maztang (ryan)
I don't have any problems with the bags just that lower mount was messin with me but I got it all fixed so it is very solid now. My main problem was that I couldn't weld to the lower control arm. I have only had 1 person show me how they did their front suspension with the stock lower control arms and that is what I tried at first, it failed! hahaha. I don't know how he has his staying straight all the time? Everyone else I have seen have had custom lowers. I may have to go down to an re7 in the front though, the 8s fit but they hit the spindle when aired up. Actually I can only turn it with her sittin low! For the most part it was pretty easy to do on this truck. Didn't have to mess with the control arms or anything crazy like that. Just had to come up with a way to make that lower mount solid. I should build a kit! hahaha Oh and on the shocks, I am gonna buy a set of nitro drop shocks with the single stud at the bottom, drill a hole in the lower control arm and then weld on 2 tabs on the frame. I figure that would be the best thing to do seeing as how I can't weld to the lowers.