sup fellers. havent done anything to the truck lately till last night. lota stuff goin on. saving $ to move and repairing my apartment has kept me away from the truck for about a week. i finally went to dads where it was parked and tinkered with her. well she been idolin funny since i goter and last night, i did somthing i was afraid to do. i tinkered with my fuel/air screw. lol it was turned all the way clockwise. motors sittn there barely running and shakin around n what not, as soon as i started backing that screw out, i could here the vacume advance, she started revn higher n smoother. backed it out about a turn n a half maybe, just to where the rpms quit risn. i swear as many times as ive said i think i fixed it, i think i really did this time. lol. it hasnt idoled that smooth since ive had it. and i had a tini bit more ass behind the rear wheels too. no hesitations or anything. man what a good feelin when things wrk out.