Hmmm, had a reply posted and it dissapeared.
Anyway. Have some progress shots:
The sbc was installed by someone else 20 plus years ago. It was a bit of a hack-job, so we've redone pretty much all of it. As long as you can do some fabrication work and don't mind putting in the time to work out all of the details, it's not that big of a deal to do a swap. This is a pretty basic engine also in an older truck that doesn't require smog equipment and the emission standards are lower than newer trucks.. No computer or emissions are needed. You'll have to deal with those on a newer engine and truck.
The last picture shows the rear fender just set up there. We need to make some changes and possibly pull moulds and lay up some new ones.
We built new crossmembers flush to the frame rails with openings for the exhaust to run through. We raised the engine/trans about an inch, with new mounts, for additional clearance in several critical areas. Shortened an oil pan to clear the drag link and ground. We need to modify the fan shroud and we'll be ready for a new exhaust system.