Been a while since i updated this thread..
But alots happend since my last update... I ended up getting my own shop.. so now im not pressed for time.. and decided i wanted to completely go thru the truck and redo everything i didnt like.
so i pulled the motor out, Was going to turbo it, But i tore the block down to check the bottom end, and the #2 piston had seized rings, and the main and rod bearigns were scored.. so that motor isnt going back in.. Im just gonna small block it.
Cut the firewall out, and started building a new one, But i figured it would be easier if i had the motor and trans mached up first..
Then i realized that i need to build a new tranny tunnel to fit the new trans.
and since thats going to be cut out. i figured i might as well cut the whole floor out and build a new one
Well ive never been a fan of traditional bodydrops, only reason i did it was because i didnt have room at my old shop to take the bed and cab off for a stock floor
Now i have the room, So SFBD it is.... Even tho the floor will be nowheres near stock, i shouldnt lose much, if any room in the cab. The floor in the cab is gonna have a frame made of either 3/4 or 1" box tubing. then im going to lay the new floor over that. Body mount areas are going to be plated with 1/8.
i got 1 frame rail in yesterday. i still have to gusset the rear where it meets the rear clip, And im gonna shear gusset all the joints.