OK, got the carb sorted out then took it the shop to get the smog done, ended up at $220. Then got the oil leakage fixed, and today I got the water pump, fan clutch, and thermostat in and that solved the heating problem. The only thing that doesn’t work now is the AC but I can’t afford to fix that.
I got a stereo in and 4 speakers…
JVC HD Radio.
Volfenhag 4x10s to clear future one piece side windows.
Generic 6x9s will be replaced with Volfenhags to match the front.
Now that that’s all done I want to get a grill, round headlights, and bumper.
I’m trying to find all the parts and I think for the headlights I need the lights, doors, and the headlight case that goes behind it? If I’m wrong let me know before I buy them?
Do I need anything to attach the ’81 bumper and grill to the ’82 core support?