Alright, thanks for the discussion seems like popular opinion is that the bags will hold up just fine. Now I was wondering if anyone has more information or know where I can find information on the best way to set it up, exactly where shoudl the bags and shocks be located? Which bags and shocks would be best. I would figure the Slam Specialties new HE 7" bags, as I would want a bigger bag, but the 8" would be hard for clearance. The HE holds up to 400 psi I think, and seem like the best bag to buy unless, people feel it would be necessary for the Slam XS bag. Anyone have any recommendations as for, which shocks would be best? I have a wishbone link system in the back, which I feel would be the best.
I was also thinking of being able to put coils in for the strip, but that does not seem necessary if it is done properly. I may just for peace of mind anyways though.
If any has or know where I can get some relevant information, please pass it on. Thanks.