Edited: 11/21/2007 8:54:50 PM by FlamedS10
So got up this mourning and had this email that was sent to me from a guy in Ontario Canada, Guys Name is Corey Testa. Don't even know the guy, just know one of his friends that moved out here who is a clown. this email was directed and myself and Devin (Mazberry Delight)
Just so u guys know my truck does lay out and i could drag rocker and frame if i wanted to.
why are you such a fag.. i wanna fly out there jus to slap you like the bitch you are. hi i drag on trailer balls cuz i dont have any nor could my truck handle it if i did drag it flat out...you are a pathetic example of someone that thinks hes a minitrucker.. youre nothin but but a lil rat out lookin for attention, go read minitruckin this month, even they cut up homos like you. why dont ya go hop back in your lil honda like u had in highschool, it suits you a lil more.. cuz you have to be pretty stupid to think youre gonna get respect the way you are. you must have either an ugly, or one slutty ass tramp of a girlfriend if ou even have weasled one into touching youre low class ass..
jus cuz you can paint a frame doesnt mean its show worthy...lmfao cut it up like im cuttin you bitch!! oh wait, nevermind, that wont happen cuz you have nuttin but trailer balls... even mator rails like a champ and thats a cartoon!!! YOURE A FUCKIN JOKE!!!!
this would be youre sign to go hide and cry back in the queer closet.
lets here what u guys think