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Mini Truckin General \  fuck all this hatin - planejane/layinrocker/trailer balls

fuck all this hatin - planejane/layinrocker/trailer balls

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 1549
replies 90
following 57
lucky_brew   +1y
i am really getting tired of hearing all this hating bullshit! this post has been created to show some love... not hate! let's get back to the basics.

people ask why i am raising my 13 yr old son to be a mintrucker. my response, for him to BETTER the sport and lifestyle!

does anyone remember this quote? does anyone still care? here it is for all to see! (here it is...

"We have become part of something much more complicated than you or I will ever fully comprehend. We build more than just trucks. . . we build friendships, we build futures, we build our dreams. We drive our trucks low and hold our heads high because we have an unwritten and unspoken agreement that we will live life to the fullest and never fall victim to 'the norm'. Others laugh at us when we spend hours on end working on our trucks, yet shake our hands when we are done."

~Wyatt Strange MiniTruckin mag 1998
dragnlow   +1y
i'm taking a break from working the tacoma in the garage to chim in.....If you build it they will come.... some baseball movie quote
lucky_brew   +1y
^^^^^^^^^ that your blue taco that was truck of the year? or did you do the work on it or somethin? also, what the hell is "the garage chim in" ? lol ^^^^^^^^^^^
dragnlow   +1y
It's my boy Joel's i had the privilage in messing with it with my boy.
90isuzupup   +1y
Edited: 11/23/2007 9:07:10 PM by 90isuzupup

Originally posted by lucky_brew

Edited: 11/23/2007 8:50:13 PM by lucky_brew

25 views on this thread already and no one says shit! fukin amazing! there are 2 other threads out there hating over plane jane and you peeps cant stopped running your mouth! no post on this thread is proof enough why the sport is going to shit! cause no one knows when to shut up and get back to the basics! i think we all watch too much reality tv and its gotten to our heads! if we spent as much time doing fab work as we did bitching and moaning then we'd see minitruckin mag twice its size! i looked through some of my old MT mags and the ones 10 years ago have more pages... and dont go blaming it on the web cause the web doesnt do features and tech articles in paper print! it cause the sport is dying and this is why!!!!!!!

I see you can't stop running your mouth need to take your own advise
lucky_brew   +1y
Originally posted by 90isuzupup

^^^^ thats whats its all about! fun, friends and trucks!

TwistedMinis   +1y
I don't actually watch tv. I don't have time. I'm building parts, trucks, and going to school all day almost every day. This place is my refuge. And it sucks to see people getting in other peoples shit.

I'm all about going to shows and having a good time. And being new to all this, I guess I'm lucky, because I haven't seen too much drama at the ones I've been to.
Uncle Fester   +1y
I am perplexed why people think just the MiniTruckin community has hate. I remember reading Street Rodder and the venting they did. Ever hit some other boards they have their issues. If everyone where to agree on everything that would remove the fun and variety.
P.S. I hope this thread can stay clean or it will have to be moved to the brawl room.