Originally posted by jiggawho111
Originally posted by TwistedMinis
Wikepedia says:
Often the verb "to hate" is used casually as an exaggeration to describe things one merely dislikes, such as a particular style of architecture, a certain climate or some particular kind of food.
"Hatred" is also used to describe feelings of prejudice, bigotry or condemnation (see shunning) against a class of people and members of that class. Racism is the most well-known example of this. The term hate crime is used to designate crimes committed out of hatred in this sense.
our word was "wack", I dont even know if you younger guys know what word means (kinda like hate, but funner, hate is a strong word). If youpulled up and your car wasnt up to par, we called you wack and laughed and had fun but we did it to your face and it wasn't mean, it wasn't hating (it was meant as inspiration). But when we rolled out you were WITH US and we rolled together as young kids who did wierd shit to cars and we had a blast!
thats the time i come from!!! just like it wasnt doored or laid out - it was slammed, dumped or (if really low) dick-dumped!