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Mini Truckin General \  fuck all this hatin - planejane/layinrocker/trailer balls

fuck all this hatin - planejane/layinrocker/trailer balls

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 1546
replies 90
following 57
lucky_brew   +1y
^^ werd!
layedoutnissan   +1y
It is what it is. I have been doing this for 17+ years. Thats longer than half of these guys in the "scene" have been alive. lol And the attitudes are the same. There are good people that love custom rides (that means all customs not just the style they prefer) and there are the guys that think if your truck/car isnt hacked to pcs on big wheels it aint shit. it'll never change.

People dont know how to appreciate peoples vision. You dont have to like it personally but you should be able to appreciate the work that they put into it. I see it at the shows too. they will stand right behind someones ride and pick it apart with the owner standing there, no respect. An now there are all of the keyboaerd commandos that say whatever they want on the internet. Its ridiculous. I think its up to us to check this type of behavior, next time somone starts hating you need to call them on it instead of ignoring it.

You don't have to like it but you should be able to appreciate it.
lucky_brew   +1y
Originally posted by layedoutnissan

It is what it is. I have been doing this for 17+ years. Thats longer than half of these guys in the "scene" have been alive. lol And the attitudes are the same. There are good people that love custom rides (that means all customs not just the style they prefer) and there are the guys that think if your truck/car isnt hacked to pcs on big wheels it aint shit. it'll never change.

People dont know how to appreciate peoples vision. You dont have to like it personally but you should be able to appreciate the work that they put into it. I see it at the shows too. they will stand right behind someones ride and pick it apart with the owner standing there, no respect. An now there are all of the keyboaerd commandos that say whatever they want on the internet. Its ridiculous. I think its up to us to check this type of behavior, next time somone starts hating you need to call them on it instead of ignoring it.

You don't have to like it but you should be able to appreciate it.

you got it dude! dont you remember the days of just yanking out the suspension slapping in some blocks and rolling some factory chrome wheels cause you couldnt afford the nice stuff not to mention there wasnt much to choose from. we all hung out in the local taco bell parking lot and cruised to the shows together! it rocked! there were still a few assholes but not near as many as these days! keep it positive - after all, you are friends with that person - not the truck and not the "shitty" paint on it! who cares, right???
layedoutnissan   +1y
de arched leaf springs stacked lowering blocks and cranked torsion bars. Then it was juice and rancho airshocks. lol I was dragging trucks back in 93 so it isnt new to me. Here is a crappy pic of one of my trucks from 93 or so. You will notice we were doing the same stuff back then so mod wise not much has changed compared to today. Shaved everything, 4 wheel drive sheetmetal,etc..
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lucky_brew   +1y
Edited: 11/24/2007 11:31:47 AM by lucky_brew

i cut and pasted the links you posted. next time use the html code off photobucket. they didnt show up.

anyway, here is my toy from back in the day. i just bought another one off ebay!

this chassis was "hammered" (those new kids dont know those words. lol - hammered, slammed, dumped,,,) on air shocks all the way around! now thats fukin old school!

i was into minis when most of these guys were still riding bicycles! lol
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sicpupidaho   +1y
Listen Jiggawho111 and everyone else that dont think that mini truckin is not a lifestyle or a family your wrong. Paul has helped out alot of people who needed help with there house among other things and so has other mini truckers that i know. Alot of them would go out of there way to help other mini truckers when they needed it. When we need a place to stay in another state we have places to stay cause other mini truckers open there house and hospitalty to us and vise versa. And it dont matter what club there in and they dont care what club were in. It's because we all love mini truckin. And no matter what you think anybody can consider it what they want to. A hobby or a lifestyle, it is what you call it. It dont matter as long as you love doing it. Paul has been around mini truckin 16 yrs and i have been around it for 3yrs and in that 3 yrs i have met alot of mini truckers and became friends with alot. From the things that i have learned i will soon one day build my own. All mini truckers that i have meet have taught me something and i'm going to take that and learn more and pass it down to my kids. I consider that FAMILY! When a big group of people are there to teach you and be there for you when you need it is a FAMILY! I dont care what you say.. And I also cosider it a LIFESTYLE because that is what it is. Something that we talk about and do everyday is a LIFESTYLE everything else is a hobby. This is LISA Sicpups Girlfriend.....
lucky_brew   +1y
amen!!!! i cant say it enough! glad to hear there are some "real" minitruckers out there not only building their trucks but also liveing the lifestyle and being there for their "family!"

btw, i am moving this weekend and who is helping? yep, minitruckers. not even my own blood family offerd to fukin help. my dad is out hunting and one of my minitruckin pals called into work! now thats family! that reminds me, i need to pack this desk! lol
BaggedMazda87   +1y
Jiggawho put it well

Everyone else just keeps talking and looking more stupidererererer.

Ps just so everyone knows i like donks

I know, I'm fucking gay huh?!?


jiggawho111   +1y
Lucky, you said Amen to my original post (page 2) and just told Lisa Amen when she said everything I said was wrong. Which is it?

Dont get so bent out of shape or take my words and twist them. I never said there wasnt any good people in the sport, there are plenty. my point was some people take this way too serious. Its a hobby, call it your lifestyle I dont care. There friends, great ones, call them your family I dont care.
If there are any of you who cannot read my post and see the points I am making, then it isnt for you.
frankie   +1y
i cant wait tell my truck is finished so every one can bad mouth it!lol. i got out of minitruckin and started building my cadillac then everyone talked shit on it during the build now everyone is building them? and all the people sayin noone is coping shawns truck plane jane is bs too i see army green trucks with numbers and stars on them with black wheels and hand granades for shifters. if thats not tryin to be army theme i dont know what is. funy thing is when shawn built his first mini a white dodge d-50 like 7 years ago no one knew of him and he was just another punk in a mini truck. rollin with the targa top and full tweed with a camper shell. then he built plane jane not picking up a mini truckin or even getin on this gay shit talkin web site. there wasnt a thing resemblin his truck or ideas. now i cant look at a mini truckin without seeing at least one truck with somethin takin from him. he did change mini truckin in a way and if you guys are to stubern or jelouse to see that you all have problems.

its just the way of the scene. everyone wants to be the first and if you arent it you want credit for it! you guys should just keep workijn on your trucks and put your work where your mouth is. if you think you can build a better truck then do it. dont bring people down with your words do it with your tools and knowledge.