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Mini Truckin General \  "built not bought"

"built not bought"

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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following 58
waynehammer   +1y
well i guess its a pride thing.. but not everyone has the skills to build it their selves and there is no problem with buying something. me personaly, im happy to say i built mine but i have seen plenty of trucks i would buy and still admit that i didnt build it. if its a bad ass truck who cares if it is bought or built.
dssur   +1y
everybody can tell the accountants from the bikers because the accountants dont stand around and talk about the last guy they shanked.

of course I am kidding, but the truth is that ONLY in minitruckin will a guy lean on a truck he didnt build and wax poetic on everything he did to it. It doesnt happen in hot rods (as much) and it definitely doesnt happen with bikes, but for some reason scummy guys buy minitrucks and try and convince others that they did all the work. I dont know if their dad didnt hug them enough or what but the attention seems to be what they love.

thats why there is a "built not bought". it has nothing to do with hacked up unsafe rides, has anyone even looked at any rat rods lately? If you are the kind of guy who buys a ride, good for you for not telling everyone that you bought it, and double kudos for being able to do enough basic mathematics to figure out that building one yourself costs about 3 times what buying a done truck costs... Dont worry about the guys who give you grief about it in the hacked up rides either, they take pride in doing things themselves and think everyone should. I have seen enough bird poop welds to know that not everyone should be building a truck.
granth   +1y
people say you have more pride in shit you build, but if you can't have pride in something you dropped a load of cash on....somethings wrong.

i personally dont give a fuck who built what and who owned it 4th 5th and 12th, if the owner keeps it up and doesnt tear it apart, then its all good.

im not building mine myself totally because I don't want to mess up in the slightest on the suspension. All that is being done by a shop. I'll do some body work and the body drop and shit, but I am not going to touch suspension if I don't have to.
Chevyguy   +1y
Here's my opinion on the Built Not Bought situation. If you buy a finished ride and acknoledge you bought it that way then I will show you the same respect as anybody else. If you buy it and tell everybody you built the truck and try to claim all the for as your own, then everybody finds out you are lieing. You will be looked down on. The thing around here is there are a couple kids who have their parents but a truck then their parents pay to have all the work done to it and then the kid drives it around saying he built the truck. I don't have anything against getting a shop to do the work because you want it done right but atleast get a job and pay for it yourself.
SixInchWat   +1y
Edited: 4/18/2008 3:25:32 PM by SixInchWat

Thanks my brethren haha.

yea the place where i took it too was a big gathering of hot rods... all the older guys would come up and just ask me about it and how everything worked, and when i told them i bought it built, theyd be like "thats cool, what you gonna do to it??"... and the id explain what i plan on doin and stuff... then they would shake my hand and walk away...

then all the guys under 25 or so would walk up and be like "i saw this in minitruckin, you bought it built?... why are you such a poser?."... like they know 2 shits about who i am or what i have done in the past. its rediculous... i feel like everyone is so egotistical now, like everyone is in a constant struggle to pull everyone down and be much more of a hardass than the next guy...

its stupid...only people that dont really pester me in this town are my fellow Relaxed members... hot rodders... people clueless about customized cars... and my "ricer"/tuner friends.... thats sad. haha.
jonboys66   +1y
Forget all the idiots man. The truck is sick. I knew you bought it when I saw it driving down the road the other week. But I still give you props for getting ahold of a sick ass ride. I was the one in the red and silver chevy if you remember it.
stockfloored85   +1y
because they are haters

Originally posted by SixInchWat

Why is this such a big deal?.

i took the Jimmy out today, and at least 30 people have to say shit when i say i didnt build it...Even when they are driving ragged-ass cars, they are automatically better the mine because they "built" them?

Why is it such a big deal if i like a truck enough to buy it build?.

Why cant people just appreciate the time and effort that SOMEONE put into the truck and admire that, istead of ignoring the truck completely and bashing me for driving/buying it?.

sorry, this is probably just me ranting...but its starting to get on my nerves.


BggdNBdyDrppdJunk   +1y
just put a hateraid sticker on back window, let em hate on you if they want, youre still drivin the badass truck
bodydropped85   +1y
Originally posted by sdime2372

Edited: 4/18/2008 10:15:44 AM by sdime2372

Originally posted by isdeleon

and Micah, don't worry, i still love your jimmy, i remember it being outside my hotel at the last showfest and i just drooled over it. Also like your feature in domination where you say "fuck boyd coddington". Well, not to speak ill of the dead, but i was thinking along those same lines...

that was the previous owner, shane. boyd's wheel place wouldnt make the wheels he wanted or sumthin. just fyi so no one gets confuseld

also, fuck the haters. people hate usually due to jealousy
i dont think the phrase needs to be thrown out! there is definete gratification by building something yourself. what i have found is that the people who useally build something for them self are strapped for cash and which is why they take it upon themselfs to take on the task. there is hate towards you for driving that caliber of ride because they wish the could complete the same goal. as long as your not claiming to have built the truck or anything i would just laugh at them and know your truck is way tighter than theres.