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Mini Truckin General \  AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by brad0069

I've used your products for years on hard to get parts for trucks,i.e 1st gen dakotas had the usual problems but made it work. I have also had issues with your shocks being to big but ended up using them on a different rig. One of my problems is that I've bought 2 of your digital air gauges and had problems with the sending units leaking at the crimp on the body. Luckily I had 2 of them so I could make one good one. Honestly I had given up on making the other one work because of the runaround with the shocks. My other problem is that I bought 3 sets of 4 bags from you and each time specified that I wanted 2 in each size(2500/2600) and each time I got 2600s. Its not that big of a deal other than 2600 wont fit in the front of the rides that I wanted to put them on. So I ended up getting the 2500s from another source so I could finish them. I am glad to see you on here because your company has alot of cool parts and issues like this makes one not want to buy your products.

Brad,Yours is the type of posting that I have been waiting for! Yes, we definitely had problems with the senders. We did not knowingly send out bad senders, but when we found out, we went to our source and had the problem corrected.

ANYONE THAT HAS BAD SENDERS can give us proof of purchase and we will send you new senders. Your post is exactly why I have decided to engage with the forums. Please give me your name and phone number that you purchased under, and I will have new senders out to you tomorrow. As far as the bags, #2600 costs us more than #2500 bags. We want you to use #2600 when you have a V8 or heavy front end because it takes TOO MUCH pressure to lift and ride is rough. For anyone that wants to solve that problem, email me and I will send you info on Spring Pocket Eliminators. A little more work, but I assume you want a better ride, and I will tell you how to get it.

Thank you! Email me at on the senders.Joe Morrow

Thank you,Joe Morrow
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by maz duh

Just a quick note for you on the ball joint adapter plates for the 86-93 mazda spindles. The hole size is too loose for for the ball joint to achieve a tight press fit. It didn't matter for my particular application as I had custom arms that had their own ball joint housings. I'm not seeking restitution or anything like that, just something for you to look into if you like.

maz duhGee this is even getting to be fun. I have NEVER heard this and I promise you that tomorrow, my engineering will address this issue.(Ryan, please investigate this, get with Jake and see if we have an issue)

Thanks for your P0SITIVE input, which will make it better for the community,Joe Morrow
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by JohnBoy99

Joe, I sent you an email right after the SSM vs AIM incident. I'm happy to see a turn for the better on all parties so far. I'll consider purchasing from your company (your the only one in the business making spindles for the Mighty Max), but have a question. There is a loyal following over at and we had a post awhile back about this photo off your site. They don't look like control arms for our trucks. And if they were, we'd be needing some other parts to make that lower work. So the question I have is, can you have someone update the site? Because believe some other pictures are incorrect and could cause confusion! Thanks.

Yes, I admit to using generic photos because there are so many applications, no excuse, and I will upload the correct photos within 48hrs. Can't correct all issues overnite, but I will start with this one.

Thank you for your pointing this out. check the website in about 48hrs.

Regards,Joe MorrowTravis...I need the correct picture for this SKU of what the D50 should have. Travis, pls set out parts for photo in the AM. Tx Joe
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by pisswasser

my suggestion would not be to worry about the bottom line as much as the parts that are going out to customers. sure making money is the american dream, but as you can see from the feedback the majority of people bought something once and said never again. in my opinion a quality part speaks volumes, and anything that would have your name on it should have been looked at like your life depends on it, because it turns out it actually does,now instead of focusing on the customer the first time, your up against the ropes. again i applaud you for your efforts but in this economy my dollar is going somewhere else.

This is a thought out INTELLIGENT response. I believe that the quality is not the major issue, it is getting the right part. In any event, you have with me, a personal handling of your possible order. Just email me and I babysit to make sure all is well. Your email makes good sense, and it is nice to respond to someone that is not all about bashing.

Thank you, and I hope I have an opportunity to help in the future.. Try me, Joe Morrow
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by ShakinPlates

Originally posted by SSM-WebMaster

Joe, i must pipe in here for a second. Some people do not want a "credit" on a future purchase. These guys want it made right in a way that does not require that they give you more money. It depends on the situation i know, but i would not say "sorry i didn't get your tshirt to you, i'll give you a discount next time you buy.. I would ship them the shirt i owe them. Just my $.02

This is a very opinionated subject.... and Joe may have said this because that product is no longer available? or this is his model of response? Not sure but I see Joes intent... return customer. I would actually do both though, send the product along with a discount coupon. A upset customer can scare away 10 good ones and Customer service is everything in this sport... I am in car audio sales and I deal with the same type of issues everyday... just my .02 i guess

Kyle,Your .02 cents makes sense and I offer to have any legitimate gripes emailed directly to me at

Thank you for your sense...Joe Morrow

brad0069   +1y
Joe, thanks for the quick response! Stuff like this really is helpful and great for all. Yes, generally I use the 2600s in the front of my bigger rides but on some rides it is just easier and less cutting to use the 2500s.(yes I know I said less cutting..hahaha) I'll email you about the senders. Thanks again, Brad
joemorrow   +1y
OK guys...
We have covered quite a bit of ground here with 6 pages of postings. Overall, I am elated and encouraged by the constructive comments above.

I am not kidding, I want to assist in any way that I can. I am 68 years old, hardly a youngster, but I still feel like one. I am not doing this for the bucks. You might say that it is a passion. If you are not interested in a POSITIVE exchange, please, please do not respond. If you are interested in helping SSM and the Mini Truckin Community, then please communicate with me for a better experience. I will personally babysit all issues and resolve them one by one.

I think I have had enough for tonight and I will be back on the keys in the morning. Kris, thank you and SSM for the opportunity to improve the experience of your devoted members. I cannot make everyone happy, after all, the President will be elected by less than 1/2 of the votes. If I can make the majority of you happy, then it will be worth it.

I would like to address informative issues in the days ahead. Like:
What size tank
What size compressor
What size circuit breakers
What size type of valves

Yes, my ads are agressive. It is a frustration resulting from not being able to have a positive interchange on the forums. I believe that with the help of Kris, that this will be accomplished and we will turn our energy into Positive improvements. You will find me extremely reactive to issues of improvement on all Air Suspension Products.

Good Night and thanks for posting, Joe Morrow

After we get the initial phase out of the way, lets discuss

Joe Morrow
dawgleggin   +1y
what a great topic. I've been using aim since 2001. i have never had a problem with any of their product. I have used aim on a lot of different applications. A lot of my friends would give me grief for using aim, even thought they never had and just heard the horror stories. I always backed up Aim. At times it was hard when 5 people against one saying i heard this and that. But, I am glad to see that everything is getting resolved in a proffesional manner. I will still continue to use aim and i hope it all ends up well for everyone. Lay N Low Customz. Minnesota
dawgleggin   +1y
what a great topic. I've been using aim since 2001. i have never had a problem with any of their product. I have used aim on a lot of different applications. A lot of my friends would give me grief for using aim, even thought they never had and just heard the horror stories. I always backed up Aim. At times it was hard when 5 people against one saying i heard this and that. But, I am glad to see that everything is getting resolved in a proffesional manner. I will still continue to use aim and i hope it all ends up well for everyone. Lay N Low Customz. Minnesota
dropduallie88   +1y
I bought a set of air arms for the 73-91 chevy 1-ton dually for about $800, when I got them there were no cross shafts. Can I use my old ones? Nope! Now I have to go buy 1/2 ton cross shafts to fit my supposed 1-ton arms. $200 later from napa I finally get to install them. I specifically asked when I bought them if a slam re-8 will fit. Did it? Nope! they had to send me 1inch spacers so they didnt rub the sides of the lower arms, and I really dont like how the bushing fits. It only uses 3/4 of the bushing sleeve. However half way through my trip from maryland to phoenix (towing everything I own) the upper control arm bushings broke out,when I stopped in their store they did give me new bushings. Maybe look into describing parts better and let people know what else they are going to have to buy.