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AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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low4lif   +1y
Im would like to say this is a great thing that yall are doing.

But i do have a question.How do you make stuff and not know what all is going on with the car/truck yall are making it for?.example the whole h/d thing and the whole mirror thing, not knowing they take different ones.

Not trying to hate but i figuer yall would do all the research.
dropduallie88   +1y
Originally posted by gr8white

I bought a set of air arms for the 73-91 chevy 1-ton dually for about $800, when I got them there were no cross shafts. Can I use my old ones? Nope! Now I have to go buy 1/2 ton cross shafts to fit my supposed 1-ton arms. $200 later from napa I finally get to install them. I specifically asked when I bought them if a slam re-8 will fit. Did it? Nope! they had to send me 1inch spacers so they didnt rub the sides of the lower arms, and I really dont like how the bushing fits. It only uses 3/4 of the bushing sleeve. However half way through my trip from maryland to phoenix (towing everything I own) the upper control arm bushings broke out,when I stopped in their store they did give me new bushings. Maybe look into describing parts better and let people know what else they are going to have to buy.

but wait- theres more, I almost forgot. There is no provision for a sway bar or the brake line tab. Ive modified them now to accept a sway bar and put a tab on to bolt the brake line to. would have been nice to have that done before they were powder coated.
dragginmazda86   +1y
Joe, I would like to say I think its great your on here doing your best to make things right. I've ordered from AIM a few times in the past and I dont want to talk about your products but mainly your staff. Your customer service employees are 100 percent the reason I haven't ordered from your company in years. It didn't matter if I was asking a question before I order a certain part or afterwards when I had an issue with an order I recieved, I was talked to in a rude, disrespectful manner, or got the run around on the phone and eventually hung up on. I feel this is a major issue you should try your best to address. Thanks for hearing me out.
mike86mazda   +1y
try not making people wait for 3 hours for a set of drop spindles when they drive out to mesa from north phoenix, especially when there is noone else there buying anything!
TravisCT   +1y
Kris and all Members,
Thank you for giving Joe and the rest of the Aim/Chassistech Crew the chance to make things right. As Joe said he is 68 years OLD((j/k Joe) and he has been in the industry for years. He does care and honestly most of your complaints never made it to him to resolve. As Joe said earlier I started to work for him 12 years ago. Think back 12 years ago. Were you the same as you are now. No you grow and learn and that is exactly what we do. Believe me when Joe hears about a problem he takes it to the end, talk about beating a dead horse. He doesn't hide that is why every shipment that goes out the door and we obtain an email you get an email with his email address on it, so if your not happy you can email him. We are going to listen to you guys so please keep up with the constructive criticism.

Thank you

Balzout Sparkin   +1y
I'm gonna have to do some digging. Somewhere I have a recorded conversation of me trying to get a some replacement parts for one of their blowjax (DC 5000 now) compressors that I had. The head shattered on it after a week of use while I was about 40 miles from home. The shipping on the replacement piece was freakin' rediculous and I finally ended up paying for the new piece because they would not warranty anything. I called several times and got the run around, was called a dumbass and got hung up on a few times. If I remember correclty, I needed to send some incorrect parts back around that same time and they wanted to charge me an insane restocking charge, more than the cost of the actual part if I remember right. I asked about that in the conversation too. This was back in '01 (last time I did business with them). I finally got pissed and recorded a call with one of the guys there. It was about a 15 - 20 min. call and the guy was a complete asshole. I know I have that tape somewhere.
Balzout Sparkin   +1y
Originally posted by TravisCT

Kris and all Members,Thank you for giving Joe and the rest of the Aim/Chassistech Crew the chance to make things right. As Joe said he is 68 years OLD((j/k Joe) and he has been in the industry for years. He does care and honestly most of your complaints never made it to him to resolve. As Joe said earlier I started to work for him 12 years ago. Think back 12 years ago. Were you the same as you are now. No you grow and learn and that is exactly what we do. Believe me when Joe hears about a problem he takes it to the end, talk about beating a dead horse. He doesn't hide that is why every shipment that goes out the door and we obtain an email you get an email with his email address on it, so if your not happy you can email him. We are going to listen to you guys so please keep up with the constructive criticism.

Thank you


HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't see this before I posted.I was trying to think of the guy's name I talked to and kept thinking that it was Travis! HAHAHAHAHA Man I really hope I can find that tape now!
noclrnce   +1y
Ive only had one experience with AIM and that is what has caused me not to use them again. I bought a Ratical removeable hardtop kit for what I thought was a 86-93 Mazda. I got the kit, followed the instructions, and none of the plastic pieces fit. I called to see if I got the right kit. I was told that it was the right kit and if I trimmed the pieces they would all fit. Well by the end of all this I had a hardtop kit that was all cut up and my truck without a roof. I called back and they asked why I trimmed the parts becasue it obviously wasnt right. When I said you guys told me to trim them the response I recieved was "Im the one you talked to the first time you called and I never told you that". I ended up having to swap doors and the cab from another truck. Ive never bought from AIM since.
tealchevy   +1y
i have gotten burned by "joe" a couple times....never again. No matter what anyone says, types, or does.
chris03hd   +1y
If that's the case, then he was still TWENTY FIVE years old!I don't care how old you are, my parents taught me to be RESPECTFUL of others, and I would think being a rep of your company there would be spot checks on how customers are delt with.. Especially after knowing all the BAD press AIM has over the years!

It's good, I guess, that your trying to correct problems over the last 15years, but until people actually see a REAL change(re-read Kris' post about discounts / credits), AIM will always be the same old AIM. The phrase a little too late will apply to some reading this.

I'm glad to hear my money and problem, taught your guys the difference between what fits and doesn't fit.. guess me taking one for them "team" helps out business.

Originally posted by joemorrow

Originally posted by chris03hd


An issue I had YEARS ago, so Im not looking for anything to come of this.

Saw your add for "sport mirrors." Called, asked if they would fit the 4door F150 Supercrews, told "yes." I order a set. They come, do not fit (found out later regular cabs and supercrews were NOT the same mirror bases!), and I'm sent two driver side mirrors, but driver and passenger side bases. I call to explain that they #1 do not fit, and #2 was sent two of the same side mirrors!

I was greeted with attitude, and being talked to like I had no idea how to install them, being told the whole time they, "fit all body style F150's!"

That was my last dealing with AIM.


Chris,My shipping Manager, Travis was 18years old when he started with this company 12 years ago. Travis has made his share of mistakes and believe me, he is a 30year old moving towards 40. Travis will become an owner of this company next January because HE HAS LEARNED from his mistakes. I actually recall the CrewCab issue. We all learned from that one.I simply apologize for their attitude, but I promised you they learned.

Sincerely,Joe Morrow