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AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by beebani

No offense intended here either Joe, have bought some of your bags (even had one leak, and was given a new one promptly after I sent the bad one back on my dime) but I have to call BS on the whole "Nissan made a rear end with a bolt on cover" statement. I've always been curious how you guys could sell a "bolt-in" kit for Nissans considering the welded axle and that the frame is boxed for a good portion of the rear. Not trying to start anything, but I know Nissans and Datsuns (owned a '97 hb) and couldn't keep my mouth shut about it. If you could show me a Nissan with a bolt on rear diff cover, I'll give you a thousand sorry's. But, since at least 1963 the axles have always had a solid rear diff housing.

I am going to be after your thousand sorry's later today with pictures of two different Differentials regardless of how they bolt on. Concerning the bags, email me at and I will send you replacement.

Tx Joe Morrow

joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by bagged85

honestly most every bag part ive seen of yalls in person, didnt look that great or very well engineered. ive only delt with aim once(z-motive) when i ordered a lower valance panel for my ranger back in 2001. my parents credit card was over charged 30 bux,it took forever to get the part and didnt have any install hardware. i dont know if they disputed it or not, but i have not ordered since. bring back the testarossa kit. start making clear tails again. not the crappy ones on ebay that have the red in them and look like doo doo, but the original ones. get rid of the copy/paste cluttered up adds, make things look more professional. once that is done, revamp the customer service, as i have noticed that is the number one complaint i read on the net.

James, communication is a good thing, because it gives mean opportunity to tell you you never have dealt with AIM. Z-Motive is (was) downed by JC Clarke (Autobahn) and is defunct. They sold you the parts, and they charged your credit card, not us.Thank you for your posting and for a chance for me to clear some of the air,

Joe Morrow

joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by gr8white

I bought a set of air arms for the 73-91 chevy 1-ton dually for about $800, when I got them there were no cross shafts. Can I use my old ones? Nope! Now I have to go buy 1/2 ton cross shafts to fit my supposed 1-ton arms. $200 later from napa I finally get to install them. I specifically asked when I bought them if a slam re-8 will fit. Did it? Nope! they had to send me 1inch spacers so they didnt rub the sides of the lower arms, and I really dont like how the bushing fits. It only uses 3/4 of the bushing sleeve. However half way through my trip from maryland to phoenix (towing everything I own) the upper control arm bushings broke out,when I stopped in their store they did give me new bushings. Maybe look into describing parts better and let people know what else they are going to have to buy.

Trevor,I have researched the issue on your 1 Ton. In the past, we did not supply the Cross Shaft and in any event, the cross shaft must be from 1/2 Ton. Because of your posting last nite, we will change the part number to INCLUDE a 1/2 Ton Cross shaft. We did not start building Cross Shafts until around April of this year. I will have the description updated on the website by midnite tonite.

Thank you for your posting, and the chance to improve our service,Joe Morrow
1redchvy   +1y
Edited: 9/12/2008 11:50:53 AM by 1redchvy

I ordered a roll pan from you guys for 88-98 sent the wrong was cheaper for me to buy a new one than to send it back....the guy on the phone advised this....I then ordered another one and it came in damaged to sh* I was not taking a 3rd stab....I ordered a Sir Michaels.......thats about the only bad thing I can say....other than that I use you spindle on every truck I build...other than that I cut my losses and move on......

its good to see you doing this joe! Good way to earn respect from everyone that has been disapointed with your company......Good Luck!
lucky_brew   +1y
Edited: 9/12/2008 11:36:09 AM by lucky_brew

joe- you should have run out of post by now since you arent a gold member? you should really pay up, get a free shirt and show your support to the site!
ngacleetus   +1y
Joe this is AWESOME!! I'm so glad you have stepped up on addressing these issues. It may be difficult to address all issues but good on you for trying. I've only ordered one thing from AIM, 96 Mazda Billet Grill shell. My only complaint is that it didn't come with any mounting hardware (not a big deal, cause it's just a few screws) and like someone mentioned earlier I was told it would be delivered in 2 weeks. After 3 months and several phone calls I finally received the item and it work great. Judging from some of the previous posts, my suggestion would be, to refocus on customer service. I was extremely turned off by the customer service I received when inquiring on my order back then. I think it is important for the customer service reps to understand it is not their God given right to belittle the customer or tell them an item is shipped if it is not. I'm a huge advocate for quality customer service and because of that one poor experience several years ago I have not bought from your company since. Again, I applaud you for what you are doing, and I will CONSIDER your company the next time I order parts, however, if the customer service is still poor at that time, my business will go else where. Good luck Joe!! I hope this changes the "scene" for all of us. Thanks Kris for doing this. This is the most productive thing I think I have ever seen on this forum!!
lucky_brew   +1y
Originally posted by ngacleetus

This is the most productive thing I think I have ever seen on this forum!!

its the most productive thing ive ever seen on the site!

4uh8rs   +1y
wow im glad i opened this i just thought is a bash on joe .....ive have bought and used AIM spindles for years....i use Aim spindles for the simple fact they have always fit great for me and are not priced through the roof like other companys....Joe the 1 and only time i ever had a prob with ur company was a backorder issue on springs for a Maxima that i never recieved but its not a big deal.I agree on the bashing of others it makes u look a little trivial but not that big of a deal.Your spindles were on both my feaatured blazer and my upcoming cover Isuzu and also on a caprice and astro van currently being built by myself and a as far as that goes keep up the good work just lighten up on makes people not wanna buy

joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by low4lif

Im would like to say this is a great thing that yall are doing.

But i do have a question.How do you make stuff and not know what all is going on with the car/truck yall are making it for?.example the whole h/d thing and the whole mirror thing, not knowing they take different ones.

Not trying to hate but i figuer yall would do all the research.

low4lifThis was on one time isolated incident. We believed that the 2dr and the crewcab was the same. OUR MISTAKE! We learned from this several years ago. It only happened once, and never again. Also, the Chinese labeled the brackets wrong. Once we discovered that we have opened all boxes before shipping. We have moved on since that incident over 5 years ago.When a mistake is brought to my attention, I am all over it and i have always been all over it. I personally recall that one. sorry, and thanks for your posting,Joe Morrow
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by gr8white

Originally posted by gr8white

I bought a set of air arms for the 73-91 chevy 1-ton dually for about $800, when I got them there were no cross shafts. Can I use my old ones? Nope! Now I have to go buy 1/2 ton cross shafts to fit my supposed 1-ton arms. $200 later from napa I finally get to install them. I specifically asked when I bought them if a slam re-8 will fit. Did it? Nope! they had to send me 1inch spacers so they didnt rub the sides of the lower arms, and I really dont like how the bushing fits. It only uses 3/4 of the bushing sleeve. However half way through my trip from maryland to phoenix (towing everything I own) the upper control arm bushings broke out,when I stopped in their store they did give me new bushings. Maybe look into describing parts better and let people know what else they are going to have to buy.

but wait- theres more, I almost forgot. There is no provision for a sway bar or the brake line tab. Ive modified them now to accept a sway bar and put a tab on to bolt the brake line to. would have been nice to have that done before they were powder coated.

Oops, I forgot to address the Swaybar and brake tab.We put swaybar mounts on normal Carms, but NOT on Airarms. If you put a sway bar on Airarms, they bind up depending on travel/height. My information says that the brake tab is mounted on the frame, not the Carm. Makes sense because of the movement/travel of the Carm. If you do not have Airarms, then I apologize if you did not have the swaybar tabs.Thank you for the opportunity to respond,Joe Morrow