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AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by dragginmazda86

Joe, I would like to say I think its great your on here doing your best to make things right. I've ordered from AIM a few times in the past and I dont want to talk about your products but mainly your staff. Your customer service employees are 100 percent the reason I haven't ordered from your company in years. It didn't matter if I was asking a question before I order a certain part or afterwards when I had an issue with an order I recieved, I was talked to in a rude, disrespectful manner, or got the run around on the phone and eventually hung up on. I feel this is a major issue you should try your best to address. Thanks for hearing me out.

David,I simply have to agree with you that this has happened in the past. I am not trying to justify anything. It is WRONG to not give good customer service. For years, I had an employee, Tom Turner, who was the nastiest person when he got in a bad mood. I kept trying to correct his mannerisms, and I failed. I released Tom after 10 years with the company.We record every phone call. You can be sure that I will release anyone that is rude to ANY customer. If anyone has an experience, please email me the name of the salesperson.Thank you for a constructive posting, Joe Morrow

toddluck   +1y
well Joe i for one am glad your on ssm trying to get things says alot to the community...I guess we will see what happens

joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by mike91yota

try not making people wait for 3 hours for a set of drop spindles when they drive out to mesa from north phoenix, especially when there is noone else there buying anything!

Michael,We appreciate local business and it actually is a little harder to deal with because we are a mailorder company. When we ship mailorder, it just has to be on the truck by 5:00PM, so we have all day to pull it together.When you go into willcall, the sales staff is most always buried in the phones. Lets do this in the future: Call directly to Heather and confirm that the product is in stock and ready to go. Heather will babysit the item and advise you if it is in the box and ready for pickup. I am sure you did call in advance, but we receive so many calls, then pull the order, and no one shows. The way around this is to call your order in, give the credit card info to Heather and she will update you as to availability and when it will be in the box.Thank you for your posting, Joe Morrow

joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by mike91yota

try not making people wait for 3 hours for a set of drop spindles when they drive out to mesa from north phoenix, especially when there is noone else there buying anything!

Michael,We appreciate local business and it actually is a little harder to deal with because we are a mailorder company. When we ship mailorder, it just has to be on the truck by 5:00PM, so we have all day to pull it together.When you go into willcall, the sales staff is most always buried in the phones. Lets do this in the future: Call directly to Heather and confirm that the product is in stock and ready to go. Heather will babysit the item and advise you if it is in the box and ready for pickup. I am sure you did call in advance, but we receive so many calls, then pull the order, and no one shows. The way around this is to call your order in, give the credit card info to Heather and she will update you as to availability and when it will be in the box.Thank you for your posting, Joe Morrow

joemorrow   +1y
Frazier, thank you for your comments. All valves were painfully slow in the beginning. They were 1/8" and 1/4" and sold mostly by Firestone thru ART, etc. Things evolve, just like making drag racing faster and faster. We do not stand still and are always open to improvements. Yes, you can order the software and controller separate. Just email me at joe and I will follow your order and assign a sales person to take care of you without fail! thank you for the posting, Joe Morrow
GraphicDisorder   +1y
Originally posted by SKIDROW

wow all this good talk i might have to come back to ssm i just new this was going to be a byc thread good job joe and all you guys on ssm


Erik please do come back to SSM. There will be not more threads like BYC's was. It was out of control, this thread wont be like that. Its being watched by a 3-5 mods all day long as well as the rest of the site.
TC29720   +1y
Joe I too am glad to see things are being corrected, maybe we'll see something come from all this. But I was also in some way connned by your guys. A while back a customer of mine ordered some bags from you, just your standard 2600 style bag, shortly after installing said bags, one blew, with only a 100- 120 psi on it. He needed his truck so I swapped out his bags for him and told him I would take care of his issue with sending them back, nothing but rude, getting nowhere customer service which outed me on a set of bags. Now its not your fault that I swapped the bags and i couldn't give a damn less about them, but what i didn't like and what stopped me from ordering was the service I recieved and the shotty bags they you guys were stating that were soooo good. We immediatly put a set of Firestones on there and are still there today. All this basically pointing to you really need to work on the C.S. part, but REALLY need to look at getting your products up to par. I've never had bad experiences from any other company's bags that are in no way rubbing or even close to touching anything, just yours. I think products should be the number one concern
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by godzilla pimpin

Ive only had one experience with AIM and that is what has caused me not to use them again. I bought a Ratical removeable hardtop kit for what I thought was a 86-93 Mazda. I got the kit, followed the instructions, and none of the plastic pieces fit. I called to see if I got the right kit. I was told that it was the right kit and if I trimmed the pieces they would all fit. Well by the end of all this I had a hardtop kit that was all cut up and my truck without a roof. I called back and they asked why I trimmed the parts becasue it obviously wasnt right. When I said you guys told me to trim them the response I recieved was "Im the one you talked to the first time you called and I never told you that". I ended up having to swap doors and the cab from another truck. Ive never bought from AIM since.

Troy,15 years is a long time and I am not able to respond to issue at the time, but I am here, you have my email address. Hopefully we can move forward and improve others experience. Thank you for your posting
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by tealchevy

i have gotten burned by "joe" a couple times....never again. No matter what anyone says, types, or does.

You have not gotten burned by me. I never have handles sales, but I am here to help for any problem, past, present, or future. Please be a standup guy and POST the problem/s. This is the only way for members to read, view, judge, and improve the experience for all of this. Prove to me that you contacted me to resolve an issue. Yes, I am responsible for the actions of my staff, but give me a chance here...Please prove your statement. Thank you,Joe Morrow
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by 1redchvy

Edited: 9/12/2008 11:50:53 AM by 1redchvy

I ordered a roll pan from you guys for 88-98 sent the wrong was cheaper for me to buy a new one than to send it back....the guy on the phone advised this....I then ordered another one and it came in damaged to sh* I was not taking a 3rd stab....I ordered a Sir Michaels.......thats about the only bad thing I can say....other than that I use you spindle on every truck I build...other than that I cut my losses and move on......

its good to see you doing this joe! Good way to earn respect from everyone that has been disapointed with your company......Good Luck!1redchevyThank you for your posting. Damage by UPS or any other shipping company is a fact of life. It just happens. I am sorry you got the wrong rollpan the first time, but apparently you receive the correct spindles. Thank you for your positive comments, Sincerely, Joe Morrow