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Mini Truckin General \  AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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joemorrow   +1y
To the members of SSM

Kris sees the merits and benefits of bringing this community together with positive responses to real issues, not manufactured issues by just throwing fuel on the fire. Kris is doing what any smart business person would do, and that is turning a negative into a positive for the benefit of all, including our competition, and bring things to a HIGHER level. My congratulations to Kris. It is good for all of us. Kris is not pandering to me, nor is he paid by me.
I commend his approach and ask for all of you to support him. Me... I will just have to earn your respect, and I intend to do exactly that. all of you have my direct email. Copy me, on any issue, and you will get a positive response just like you always have. One catch, you have to inform me. Bashing is simply not constructive and makes the forums not as credible. Truth is positive, constructive for all.
Thanks again. I am overwhelmed by your positive comments and allowing me to face you directly on the forum. It appears that I do not have a normal life due to the influx of responses. I expect to sit in front of the tube all day for days............ Joe Morrow

Big Kudos to Kris and his staff, Joe Morrow
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by SPICY2

i can say ive ordered plenty from aim and am running his buy one get one free bags on my 06 taco for the past 3 years with no issues and plan on trying his denominator bags i never take other peoples expeirences too seriously unless ive tried them myself theres just too many different scenarios i havent had to deal with customer service because they havent messed up any of my orders ....although there was this one time they just kept sending me steering wheel horn buttons and i never order a wheel nor paid for them when i called them to see if i was getting charged they said no dont worry about it so i didnt and ended up getting 3 horn buttons anyway i hope the guy who really ordered it finally got his horn button

Thank you Taco... Your Tacoma will be in the Jan issue of Joe Speaks in Truckin.Joe Morrow
dragyours2001   +1y
Edited: 9/12/2008 1:08:59 PM by Whitejones

Around 2000 I was 17 and this was the first time I shaved door handles, I seen their ad in truckin and liked the deal on the kit so I ordered it, installed it and with in a day or two the "brain" quit working. So I call, and the custmer service rep was very rude to me, and told me it had to be installed wrong.After hours of calls, they finally said they would seen me another one, so that comes and agian after, oh a week, it quits. So again I call and finally get yet another one sent, but this time the brain didnt quit the solenoid burned up. So after having to call a lock smith 3 or 4 timeS and spending that cash I spent alot more than what a higher priced kit woud have cost me. Fast forward to 2004 my friend and I are going to bag a honda for a guy and we decide to order a AIM kit for it,the air cylinders leaked. Half of the fittings were wrong. valves didnt work right etc... I have wanted a few things from AIM like bumpers and some other things, but I have had bad experices both times I have used them. And I don't make enough money to just throw away.
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by lucky_brew

Edited: 9/12/2008 11:36:09 AM by lucky_brew

joe- you should have run out of post by now since you arent a gold member? you should really pay up, get a free shirt and show your support to the site!

I will ask Kris about being a gold member, etc. This is new to me, less than 20hrs old. Yes, I will wear the T-Shirt. Help me out here, just tell me how to further show my support for the Entire Site. Thank you,Joe Morrow
johnz   +1y
ok heres my suggestion JOE maybe you need to spend some money on a r and d department that actually have some mechanical background to go to junkyards look at parts...sponsor some people to build new parts..hire people that answer phones who can tell me about the parts in question...and maybe allow your customers to choose there own shipping,fedex,or usps...that way we know exactly what the cost is... and i know everyone that works for you cant fit these requirements but its a start and would help alot
relaxednoma   +1y
Joe, a few years back I ordered a set of drop spindles for my previous '95 S-10. I rec'd a set of lowering coils for the same year Dakota. I called to get it straightened out and I was told that I would have to pay a restocking fee (which was outrageous). The rep on the other end was very rude and uncaring about a situation that I did not create. I was not rude, angry or sarcastic. I was very calm with the rep. I provoked nothing. In the end I was told I would have to pay shipping back for the item, the restocking fee and shipping to have my already ordered and should have been shipped spindles. In the end I was so dissatisfied with the service I ordered a 2nd set of spindles via Stylin' Concepts (DJM units) and used them, which are on my current '01 Sonoma.
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by poontang2005

Joe, I think this is really a stand up thing you are doing here. A lot of leaders of large companies wouldn't have handled any of this the way you have, from start to now, bad to good... however you want to word it. I guess this means you being 68 (a little older than the majority of the SSM members) are not much different from us minitruckers, we say things in the heat of the moment we might regret, we do things that we're not proud of. In short we're all human, you just happen to have a huge company with a lot of employees that "speak for your reputation" everyday. I think it's great what you are doing here.

I'm just curious when and how you got involved in the custom scene and how you decided to make it into a business.

I used to live in AZ but I've been living out here in TN for a couple years now, if Knappy still works for you, tell him Mark said hi, he drove a black mazda last time I saw him

MArkPoontang,Thank you for your posting. I still get a very small amount of comments by people that are apparently not human and do not make mistakes. I envy them, but I just don't think I have what it takes to be PERFECT. But I promise to not stop trying.

I got involved thru starting Ratical tops in 1988, and it just evolved on a yearly basis. we still sell tops, but it is a small amount of our business. Thanks Mark! Joe Morrow
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by SKIDROW

brandt yai will probaly will i use to have long talks with you win you had the taco what turned me off was all the bashing im 42 now and have sould my mini still have the pathfinder and going to finsh it sence chad sold his this id encuraging


joe can you pm me a price on that controler

Sorry, which controller.. for the Computer? Please email me at and I will have the answer later today.

tx Joe Morrow
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by ngacleetus

Joe this is AWESOME!! I'm so glad you have stepped up on addressing these issues. It may be difficult to address all issues but good on you for trying. I've only ordered one thing from AIM, 96 Mazda Billet Grill shell. My only complaint is that it didn't come with any mounting hardware (not a big deal, cause it's just a few screws) and like someone mentioned earlier I was told it would be delivered in 2 weeks. After 3 months and several phone calls I finally received the item and it work great. Judging from some of the previous posts, my suggestion would be, to refocus on customer service. I was extremely turned off by the customer service I received when inquiring on my order back then. I think it is important for the customer service reps to understand it is not their God given right to belittle the customer or tell them an item is shipped if it is not. I'm a huge advocate for quality customer service and because of that one poor experience several years ago I have not bought from your company since. Again, I applaud you for what you are doing, and I will CONSIDER your company the next time I order parts, however, if the customer service is still poor at that time, my business will go else where. Good luck Joe!! I hope this changes the "scene" for all of us. Thanks Kris for doing this. This is the most productive thing I think I have ever seen on this forum!!

P-NUT Well, you have my email contact should you ever need it. Comments like yours is what is making this worthwhile for me. Before this, I just assumed that the forums were populated by "bashers". I have been PROVEN to be wrong and very pleased with the productive positive comments that serve to help everyone. No excuses here on the time to get your grille. the shell is fiberglass and we buy it on the outside and it took a long time, but you certainly were entitle to good updates. Sorry, Joe Morrow
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by lucky_brew

Originally posted by ngacleetus

This is the most productive thing I think I have ever seen on this forum!!

its the most productive thing ive ever seen on the site!
