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AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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ngacleetus   +1y
No problem Joe. I think you will gain a lot of respect across the truck community because of your handling of this situation. I hope the best for you and your endeavors and am glad to see that people have the capability to act as adults and help to rectify the injustices of the past. Thanks Joe!
lwrlvl   +1y
Joe, My buddy purchased a rat top convertible this spring. He asked about the advertised price of $359. He was told that the price is $399, and if he didn't want to pay that price, they would cmcel his order. He asked why they didn't honor the advertised price. He was told by Chris that that price was for square body S10's. He then went to the ewbsite, sveral to be exact, and the price across the board was $399. Now, why not honor your advertised price?
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by 4uh8rs

wow im glad i opened this i just thought is a bash on joe .....ive have bought and used AIM spindles for years....i use Aim spindles for the simple fact they have always fit great for me and are not priced through the roof like other companys....Joe the 1 and only time i ever had a prob with ur company was a backorder issue on springs for a Maxima that i never recieved but its not a big deal.I agree on the bashing of others it makes u look a little trivial but not that big of a deal.Your spindles were on both my feaatured blazer and my upcoming cover Isuzu and also on a caprice and astro van currently being built by myself and a as far as that goes keep up the good work just lighten up on makes people not wanna buy

Jeff, Thank you for your posting. I do want to clarify one thing though. Lightening up on others will be easier now that I have an avenue to participate in the forums. I sincerely believe that I would not have had this opportunity unless Kris and I came to some compromise. In the past, it always has been one-sided and dominated by the bashers. Bashing is not pleasant to read, nor does it contribute to a healthy orginization. I am going to assume that an example of me hitting below the belt would be my agression towards AVS in the past few weeks. Right or Wrong, it started when Jeff put "CHINA BAGS" 2 PLY!! next to images of my bags, (that he lifted off of our website) in an attempt to disparage our products. What Jeff at AVS did not know was that EZ Streets bags and Slam Air Bags were next to our bags and they were all 2Ply, including Firestone bags. This was not ethical of Jeff. I asked him to take it off the site and he did not. I simply retaliated the only way I thought I could. Not saying two wrongs make a right, but if Jeff at AVS wants to make things better, perhaps he could take a page from the book that is in front of you with the help of SSM and apologize in kind. So Jeff at AVS, I am challenging you to apologize for the misinformation on your website and return our relationship to normal. SSM members should know that I have supplied you with product for years, but you have kept it secret, which was just fine with me. If Jeff at AVS is ready to move forward and show unity, then I will certainly reciprocate.Thank you for your posting, and if anything I can do, you

Joe Morrow


Afro   +1y
While back I wanted to get one of your half wrap steering wheels, I called to ask about it because of the great price on the
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by GraphicDisorder

Originally posted by SKIDROW

wow all this good talk i might have to come back to ssm i just new this was going to be a byc thread good job joe and all you guys on ssm


Erik please do come back to SSM. There will be not more threads like BYC's was. It was out of control, this thread wont be like that. Its being watched by a 3-5 mods all day long as well as the rest of the site.WOW! This is a warm and fuzzy feeling and so good to know that the core of SSM does not approve of a byc thread, whatever that is. I do not even want to know. Thank you Brandt and Erik. Joe Morrow

joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by TC29720

Joe I too am glad to see things are being corrected, maybe we'll see something come from all this. But I was also in some way connned by your guys. A while back a customer of mine ordered some bags from you, just your standard 2600 style bag, shortly after installing said bags, one blew, with only a 100- 120 psi on it. He needed his truck so I swapped out his bags for him and told him I would take care of his issue with sending them back, nothing but rude, getting nowhere customer service which outed me on a set of bags. Now its not your fault that I swapped the bags and i couldn't give a damn less about them, but what i didn't like and what stopped me from ordering was the service I recieved and the shotty bags they you guys were stating that were soooo good. We immediatly put a set of Firestones on there and are still there today. All this basically pointing to you really need to work on the C.S. part, but REALLY need to look at getting your products up to par. I've never had bad experiences from any other company's bags that are in no way rubbing or even close to touching anything, just yours. I think products should be the number one concern

Metal-WerxFirst thank you for your posting. I sure wish I could see the bag because we just do not have them blow at 120psi unless there is metal contact. If you have the bag, take a digital of it and send me. How about I send you a set of bag to test? You will NOT blow it up under 500psi. If it did, then EZ Street's will blow up as well because they come from the same factory as mine. Give me a chance, and I will prove it wrong. Thanks again, Joe Morrow email me at: and lets see if we can fix this impression.
rockboy   +1y
Joe you mentioned Radical top's I need a targa kit for a 92-95 toyota extra cab!! you Got any In the back, or can you put me in the right direction to find 1!! Thanks Shawn
PatFukenBurke   +1y
Edited: 9/12/2008 2:37:04 PM by PatFukenBurke

Originally posted by joemorrow


Pat, I will review my shipping costs within 24hrs. Where I find errors or prices that are simply too high, I will change them. You may view the changes within 24hrs. Thank you for your input, Joe MorrowHow did I get brought into this. I haven't even posted on this subject. What are you responding to. I've been buying from you for 18 years now with no problems that you haven't resolved. I used to stock all your body kits and Radical tops 10 and a time. You were the first one to make any of this stuff for a mini let alone at a good price. The bags on the Ram I'm building came from you. I have absolutely no complaints.

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neurotic   +1y
He was confused by somebodys signature in their post. The person now removed that name from there signature. I wold not worry about it Pat.
joemorrow   +1y
This is Educational from Mat at the House of Hack...
Thanks for the quick response... ill be looking forward to the new bags when they come out....
in response to the "check valves" ... might be a misunderstanding what im asking.
alot of people , including our shop dont just use Check valves for Compressors....
granted a checkvalve on a compressor is a must... but we also use the check valves between the air tank and Valves . due to the fact most Valves run off of pressure, so when the air psi is low in the air tank , the air wont backflow from the bags into the valves and into the low tank causing the ride to loose height... so what we do is run check valves (perfer 3/8 or 1/2) before each fill valve (usually 4 of them) to eleminate the backflow or pressure lost ...
thats why i ask and also alot of people want the bigger check valves....
hope that help some.....
thanks for your time Joe!!


the House of Hack
Custom Automotive shop

Bay Minette, Al 36507

Mat, Thank you. This is the first I have ever been aware of backflow from the valves into the tank. I will order 3/8" and 1/2" CheckValves. The cost will be much lower than what you are paying now (under $7) 2-position valves apparently use tank pressure to keep them closed.