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Mini Truckin General \  general public minitruckin' responses

general public minitruckin' responses

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 78
following 68
deflatd   +1y
i had some freinds in my college town last year. a doored nissan and a rockered old ranger. they came to a parkin lot by my old dorm and layed em out. on my way over to them i heard some kids talking to freinds.
"Dude, you missed these trucks over there. There like fucking transformers"

same night they were draggin around and one of my gfs freind was behind them. Later on i heard a story of how
"she was going to the store when this truck in front of her started dragging all over the ground and she thought the whole back was going to rip off"

i got tired of hearing "i think your axle is broken from FRONT camber"
ill never forget when i was gettin gas and a lady came runing in the store real concerned to tell me my wheel was falling off.
trucks&stuff   +1y
what you do to the tie rods on that thing!
Mulligan   +1y
ive gotten the 'dont only gangsters drive lowriders?' before, but one of the best responses I got...this was a few years ago and I was going to get some dinner at quiznos and it was next to a blockbuster...i pulled up in the parking spot in front of a girl and her mom arguing, the girl was crying and yelling cuz she couldnt get the movie she wanted....I laid it out a few front from them and the girl shutup and smiled and was like 'Wow, mom did you see that, thats so cool!' the mom smiled at me and said thank you hah
bodydropped85   +1y
"u cant drive it like that the fenders will drag" at a show yesterday.
xmdragonass   +1y
"cant get much lower than that can ya?" and i have thee BIGGEST pet peeve of people calling my rides,lowriders... i always set em straight when they say that...
laydsuzu   +1y
I get the most, "how do you drive like that?" I just say I press the gas pedal and turn with the steering wheel, and they say "oh ok!" and "how do you go over speed bumps?" but the best i have seen is at the 11th street cruise when we were behind my truck with my buddy Dirks 1500 stepside on 22s and 2 hicks came up. they said, "wow, that thing is bad, who's truck is this?" Dirk wasnt around so i said it was mine and everyone played along. the next question they asked was "what kinda motor that thing have? is that a drag racer?" my response was "no its got a 454 big block in it (when it really have a gm 350) and they looked up in front of the tire when it was laid out and they said "WOW, that thing is huge!!" my next response "yeah its got a narrowed rear end too" hicks- "really? oh yeah it does, look man!!" after a while we just gave up when they stopped asking questions, and they said "man thats sweet dude, i bet that paint rips off going down the drag strip!" and they walked off and we just laughed
bodydropped85   +1y
dito kyle. its amazing how many heads a bodydropped truck will turn at a hotrod show lol.
Deranged731   +1y
Hey nice LOWRIDER......I politley tell them ist actually a MINI-TRUCK! When they look at me like I am crazy, I put it to them like this, think of these vehicles like shoes, there are alot of different styles, but they serve the same purpose, just like our trucks vs lowriders. And then I tell them some of the differences between a "lowrider", and a mini-truck.
tuckin eh   +1y
Edited: 9/22/2008 1:41:49 PM by Tuckin Eh

I always get, why are the front wheels crooked? (ranger)

and the worst. how much did all that cost?

I was filling up at the gas station, and had a guy ask me how much my generator cost, he'd never seen one so shiney or mounted in the bed of a truck before. I was filling up my fuel cell. I laughed pretty hard and had to explain everything. lol

always get kids thinking my tanks are nitrous too.

although it does get annoying and nedundant, I still kinda like the attention in the end.
nautiquess   +1y
Best break-up line ever... yes I have used it.

"Friends forget you,
Women leave you,
But.... Trucks are Forever!"