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Mini Truckin General \  general public minitruckin' responses

general public minitruckin' responses

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 745
replies 78
following 68
do_spiderman   +1y
My favorites are sitting at a show when I had the dros and some father is telling his kid that the pumps were the engine and the other is some old guy coming up to Mike Jones and asking him "what kind of mileage you get running propane"?
menace   +1y
People ask me all the time, "whats wrong with your front wheels? bad ball joints?"... i simply reply, "no, its a ranger"
shavednbagged96   +1y
i went to a show earlier this year in Chattanooga...laid it out to kinda tidy it up before i actually went into the show area, and a group of kids came rollin over with a golf cart & the first thing they asked was...You got i responded...Does hydros go pssssst??? then they asked you gonna do a burnout? I said..dude...i have 20" i look stupid?

Also my truck runs on one triple convoluted bag in the back with a slider setup ( no links or panhard bar) and i get some obviously stupid questions there... like --how does it work? can ya lift it up? Also had one of em ask much did you bodydrop your truck...i simply said, look under see the frame?? I didnt BD it just sitting lower than you are.

theres some absolute idiots out there...but ive realized since im runnin such a big bag in the back, goin down the freeway..the truckers appreciate the work that went into it & get a lot of thumbs up
semosdime   +1y
Edited: 9/22/2008 5:30:03 PM by semosdime

"it has a fuel cell? you mean it doesn't use gasoline""what's the reason for that?" -when i lowered it in front of a store."how do you get in?"

i did have a man at a car show in his late 60's early 70's explain to his wife how the truck was able to go up and down witthout me saying a thing. i was freakin floored.
lost cause   +1y
I have some little kid in my neighborhood yell out "hey! do the hydraulics!!" every time I drive by (talk about irritating)
str8azztaco   +1y
i never get the nos, or nitrous, but i always hear, "its got nitros", damn video games
laydsuzu   +1y
"what if your battery goes dead?" "how do you get in your truck with no door handles?"

I love reading all of makes my day reading these stories
MagicMikey   +1y
do ya wanna race
thats a lowrider
u got hydrolics
are those nos tanks, i had 3 helieum tanks the lenght of the bed.
how do you drive it. i tell em its not easy lol.
how do you cross speed bumps. i go faster and slide over.
looks like if ur lower it would drag the ground. the body lays on the ground
u gota hemi lol. lol ok not that one
i always get people wanting to race me. thinking who knows, that the big crome wheels with a V-6 makes it go faster. i dont get it.
nisrod   +1y
one time way back,,my dads truck was in the shop and he drove my static slammed 720 to work. on the way home he stopped at a gas station to fill it up (thanks dad!) and was bashing all the gas filler manholes? with the crossmember.he heard the guy at the next pump tell his wife "kids these days destroying their cars!!probably wouldnt do that crap if they had to pay for it themselves!!there just stupid!!" then my dad , 65 years old got out and the man suddenly shut up! well i thought it was funny!!but dad did have a lowered s10 at that time.
travis98s10   +1y
"what size motor is that?"
"how much money you got in it?"
"how long you been workin on it?"
"when are you going to finish it?" ********
"what color are you paintin it?"*****
"how does the steering work?"***
those are all of the most recent ones

I used to get the propane tank question, how high?, how low?, why?, how do you drive it that low?, how do you turn?, whats that noise?...

I dont mind the questions as long as they are reasonable and not smartass or degrading.