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Ford Trucks \  ??Pics of square body ranger Front end bag setups Please??

??Pics of square body ranger Front end bag setups Please??

Ford Trucks Make Specific
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droppedranger   +1y
can anyone post pics of whats being discussed because im in the process of doing the front of my 95 ranger and i want it to be safe as possible i was under the impression that you can remake your bag mounts and run re7s and would be ok if you had the radius arm relocaters please shed some light on this situation what did soccorjimmy and i think it was peterbuilt do because i know they still have beams and peterbuilt is also SFBD thanks for any help
unusualfabrication   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by framedranger --------------------------------------------- Originally posted by UnusualFabrication Edited: 1/15/2009 5:20:04 PM by UnusualFabrication You also have to address were the I-beam mounts which is what he is talking about. ---------------------------------------------Thats the only thing he was refering to when he talked about welding on the heim joint.The radius arm doesnt get binded up at all when traveling its the i beam that articulates back so far because the radius arm is pulling it back as the suspension goes up to far, then causing huge amount of stress on the bolt than holds the beam on if there was a heim joint on the end of the beam it would help this problem alot. ---------------------------------------------Yes, I know that.  I was addressing the radius arms binding.  Have you bagged a ranger on the radius arms?  They get a ton of lift and can bind the bolt and bushings on the radius arms.  Do a search for off road long travel i-beam suspensions and you'll see what I am talking about.  They replace all the pivots with hiem joints to fix this problem.

unusualfabrication   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by droppedranger can anyone post pics of whats being discussed because im in the process of doing the front of my 95 ranger and i want it to be safe as possible i was under the impression that you can remake your bag mounts and run re7s and would be ok if you had the radius arm relocaters please shed some light on this situation what did soccorjimmy and i think it was peterbuilt do because i know they still have beams and peterbuilt is also SFBD thanks for any help --------------------------------------------- You will be fine with that.  I'm talking about getting extreme lift to untuck 20's, almost to the point of folding the wheels underneath the truck, lol.

djdcb3man2001   +1y
Okay let me get this straight Need to replace the bushings on the insides of the I beams with some big ass heim like what 3/4 and also replace the radius arm mounts with heims. So I guess there is no way to untuck 20 with the bags in the tradtional location not enough lift right.  Also I know I got to tub the firewall but is there any way to keep the blower heater box ?  I really wanna keep the aircon.  Ive already bought my comps if i gotta lose air I wanna rock a York Comp.  Sorry for the book I gotta limit post I need to upgrade.  Unusual I see what you mean hell the radius arm almost binds just nothing the frame for the steering and notching the edge of the i beam crossmember and jacking it all the way up and im still needing at least 2 more iches or better to lay a 20 probaby more than that.  Any pics of the firewall tubs would be helpfull.  I hae been working on this bitch all day and most of the night got my radius arm crossmember made and put in and finishing the trans cross up now.  Im hell bent on seeing it layd on 20's before the weekends up. Thanxs guys for all the help

menace   +1y
me and my brother just did my 92 ranger, and from what we figured, a 19" wheel on a 35 series tire would keep it laid out flat, thats with just taking out the spring, nothing the passenger frame rail for the tie rod, and jacking up the beam all the way... im not sure about the lifting part, being able to untuck it fully to be able to turn... so i would imagine with a little work, like notching the engine crossmember, and putting your bags on the radius arms you could possibly pull it off


framedranger   +1y
The only thing being argued here was that Chris origanally said that he would not weld on the heim joints on the i beam .he would just build new radius arms, I was telling him that this would do nothing for the I beam bolt  getting twisted problem that was mentioned in the beginning. He then later said that you would have to address the i beam problem as well

framedranger   +1y

Bagging on the outside of the radius arm would also elimate steering big time.Chris do you have pics of the bagging on the radius arms that you did, I talked to joey and he said that you bagged a 4wheel drive lifted truck, that wouldnt compare to this

Deranged731   +1y

One thing you can do about the radius arm is to make them longer.  This will make the radius larger, in turn the wheels would not articulatr in such a tight "radius", twards the firewall.  One thing if you try to do a cantilever set-up on the radius arm, is to make them longer.  Just my 2-cents.  I HATE RANGERS

Deranged731   +1y


framedranger   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Deranged731 OH HI RICK... --------------------------------------------- hey man whats up? Are you keeping those wheels clean for me before I buy them..LOL