but I just don't know what would work(short of shooting the idiots).[/quote]
I think we found our answer!!!! Make it legal to shoot the idiots...i would vote for that.
About 12 or 13 years ago i worked for an air freight company. I was hauling a jet engine that was being adapted for a jet car or something like that. I was going down the steepest hill in the Detroit area (Rochester road going into downtown Rochester for low95xlt) when the light at the bottom of the hill turned yellow. Of course at the same time the teeny-bopper in the Ford Probe beside me decided she just had to get in front of me. I laid on the horn, revved and crunched down a gear and started looking for the best way not to go over top of her. To my amazement i was able to stop about 10 feet short of hitting her...but...then theres this problem of an 8,000 pound crate in the back of the truck. It was sitting on the tail end of the truck cause the place i was delivering to didnt have a dock, just a huge hi-lo and chains. As the truck was coming to a stop i popped the air brakes and DOVE out the door onto the road. About half a second later, the jet engine came tearing through the back of the cab. It tore through the box, the back of the cab, and pushed the drivers seat and steering wheel up and over the dash on a Ford Cargo 8000 cab over truck. The girl thought it was funny til i showed her where i had been sitting a few moments earlier. I sure hope she learned her lesson.