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General Discussion \  show truck lost

show truck lost

General Discussion
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bowtiecowboy   +1y

I did notice on my cross country trip this summer that a lot of weigh stations had signs that any vehicle pulling a trailer must enter weigh station , so maybe thats a start.
krewzlo   +1y
As I remember here in michigan with a 5th wheel you can pull a trailer behind as long as the total length isn't over 65'. But way too many idiots with money go buy the biggest rv then put their boat behind it and think they can drive it. We camp alot in the summer and watch these idiots, even with small travel trailers hit trees and can't even back into a lot. Last year we watched some idiot for more than an hour try to back in his 5th wheel toy hauler. Everybody around just kinda sat back and laughed, but the scary part was this idiot was on the road with it too.

One thing that would help too is making it mandatory for trailer manufacturers to install brakes that are rated for the capacity of the trailer. I have had and seen so many that either have no brakes or on one axle only on car haulers or equipment trailers. I have a 20' enclosed snowmobile trailer that is rated for 5000 gvwr. It came with brakes on only one axle, and they were only rated at 1200 lbs, either per wheel or axle but either way no where close to what is needed. First thing I did was put brakes on the other axle. Come to find out the idiot I bought it from never used the ones that came on it so I had to replace those too because they were so rusted up.

Another thing is weight distribution hitches. I hardly see anyone using them on car haulers. Most camper dealers require or heavily push their customers into them but others I never see them on. People don't read their hitch ratings. I know on most GM hitches they say like 5000 or 10000 with weight dist. hitches. Cheap mofo's.

One time when in Pigeon Forge for Mini truck nats, our friends were towing a toyota down on a trailer and the chevy 4x4 1500 blew its motor in KY. So of course they wanted me to tow it home and they would drive the toyota. I made them buy a w/d hitch before I would even consider towing it. They were pissed about it and I ended up not talking to them for years after words but oh well It was my ass liable for 2 trucks, a trailer and 3 lives.

Sorry for all the bitch'n but it is a sore spot with me too especially when I have my kids with me. I am scared enough driving on my non load rated tires!

Oh yeah one more story, A few years ago I was ran into oncomming traffic at 55 mph while in a 3 lane hill passing a big ass motor home pulling a F150 with a tow bar. Inches on either side and my whole family would not be here right now. I got behind him and had a hard time catchin up with him up a really steep hill. By the time we crested it he was pretty far a head of me 1/8 mile or so and he blew through a red light at prolly 70 or so. He was swerving all over the place. I got on onstar and they connected me with the 911 dispatch. By that time he was a mile or so ahead of me in less than 5 minutes. I finally hauled ass myself to catch up to him to get the license #. Luckily he turned towards my house and dispatch had a car in route to cut us off. He pulled off a side road just behind me so I pulled over to let him pass. Of course the guy straighted up when the cop was behind him but after a few miles he started swerving and the cop pulled him over. Come to find out 2 of the guys in there, their wifes work for my family and they got pulled over right in front of their house. HAHA. They were at a weekend party about 6 hours away and had started drinkin 3 days eariler and didn't stop. They had open containers and the driver was way over the limit. Everyone but one out a 5 or 6 wasn't drunk and he wasn't driving. Luckily the driver was arrested and the others tickets for open intox but I can't believe they didn't hit nothing. He should lose his priveliledge to drive anything more than a car.

Sorry again for the novel but I just wanted to get some bitchin off my chest.

Something needs to be done whatever it is but it needs to be enforced.

Ok one more bitch, Why can't we have an tv in our dash but some old fart in his 100 g plus motor home have a 27" tv on his dash? I seen one old fu## that actually just set on in the front corner of the dash and was watching tv going down the freeway.
lil.low   +1y
Over here in Oz i dont think we can tow much bigger than your normal car trailer that just fits the car (that ive seen anyway) and i think if you've got a bus or something you can only tow a type of box trailer and if you wanted to go anybigger you needed to get a truck licence and get a flat bed truck.
We arnt allowed to tow multipal trailers.
low95xlt   +1y
yea i agree that 5th with a trailer law is such bs and total accident waiting to happen
//nc\\tricky   +1y
RIP Blazerado, i'm glad everyone is OK.
dragnasty   +1y

just count to ten krewz......woosaa......

Your right man. Doesnt make much since. The number one thing my dad has drivin in my head since I started driving was, you have to drive for everyone else on the road. The highways are full of idiots and you gotta watch them more than yourself.
jcampbell1180   +1y

Not really a law, more like a loophole.

That could be safe, if the driver is competent, has a doubles endorsement and has enough rig (brakes) to handle it all.
huskerdually   +1y
I pull a 27' 5th wheel and a 17' boat behind it all the time. It is safe, you can't stop on a dime or make a u-turn. But the idea is to know what you got behind you and drive accordingly. I don't think to bumper pulls is a good idea. It is legal in Ne but not in most of the surronding states. I am overlimit on length when I pull by about 6'. But the 5th wheel has brakes and it stops pretty quick if you really need to.