---------------------------------------------Originally posted by SSM-Johnny O---------------------------------------------Originally posted by KroniclesSurprsied your asking this question though. I've seen your stuff on your myspace and I have to say awesome work.---------------------------------------------Thanks dude, I appreciate the compliments. I'm asking the questions cause that's a great way to start conversation. ---------------------------------------------Originally posted by Kronicles Funny, makes more sense now why the bikini contest are always around 3pm or so. ---------------------------------------------Hahahaha... unless you're at a Charley Cobble show. He likes throwing bikini contests right when we should be shooting features!---------------------------------------------Charley Cobble, can't say that I have been, but I do know that shooting features is sometimes hard with all the events that go on at a show. Especially a one day, scheduling is everything on show day, can't wait to get to Relaxin next month! With a little luck we'll have some models out there too. You coming to that one Johnny?