---------------------------------------------Originally posted by SSM-Johnny O---------------------------------------------Originally posted by baggedMITSUOne thing i dont like is photoshop, not just because i dont know how to use it but because when you go back to the years before photoshop you see some of the most amazing photographs ever taken. I have tons of art books at the house, and i enjoy looking at all forms of photography. Im really into abstract art and modern art. I enjoy it in photos. Thats why i like black and white photos so much because generally speaking they are less likely to be photoshopped. Just my opinion i guess.--------------------------------------------- I think you're forgetting something Ernie, before Photoshop (the program) there was Photoshop (the darkroom) which is where all of those amazing photographs that you like were edited. Contrast filters, dodging, burning, toning, etc. are all things that we used to edit in the darkroom before they were just buttons in an Adobe program. It's pretty rare for even great photographers to set up and shoot 1 single photo, then go home and print it unedited and have it turn out to be unbelieveable. I think you know who Ansel Adams is and his famous Monolith photo of that giant rock, Half Dome, in Yellowstone. A lot of books tell the story that he walked up to that spot, only had 1 sheet of film left (he used to shoot with huge 8x10 sheets of film) and that particular photo was "The Shot" like an imaculate exposure. They fail to say that he lived in Yellowstone for years and took that same photo hundreds of times throughout the seasons and finally after all of those shots he got 1 that he was happy with. Photography is like any other craft, you refine your skill with every new technique and tweak to your style. Photoshop is just another tool in your arsenal along with lenses, f-stops and exposures. Don't be decieved into thinking that the photographs you love in your books are pure and untouched. They've all been edited in some form along the way.--------------------------------------------- *** Thats what I tell people... back in the day it was film and to get the image to the way you want it you had to allow so much light into certain parts of the image... not saying i have ever done real " " photo film editing.. but PS is that new "dark room" and what most people forget is that the image off of a Dslr or digi cam is merely just a negative in the since that it still needs to be "developed" ... and i dont mean needs to be "photoshopped" but to fully convey what you were trying to accomplish in the shot that you took.