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Photography \  What do you think makes a great shot?

What do you think makes a great shot?

Photography Q & A
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acrochicken   +1y
One of the downsides of technology is now they teach you how to operate a computer program before you even take your first pic.  Dont get me wrong I dont want to shoot 20 rolls of film shooting a truck ever again.    Its just sad to see people go.......I will just fix it in photoshop later.   Shit happens and you have to fix it sometimes,but dont make a habit of it     Photography is also a art form so if you like what your work says and shows dont let someone tell you otherwise..........unless you are trying to get payed lol      I have seen a picture of a chair in someones backyard out of focus and overexposed sell for 3500.00 when I cant sell a 8x10 at the same show for 10bucks   so never take yourself to seriously its not what you think its what the public wants and they are normally not that educated on the technical aspect of a picture its just what spoke to them at that moment
Johnny O   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by acrochicken  Its just sad to see people go.......I will just fix it in photoshop later.     --------------------------------------------- Ask any magazine Art Director and they'll tell you that they HATE that mentality. Too many people use Photoshop as a crutch for their half assed (or lazy) photography skills, which leads me to this; What makes a great shot? Being observant while you're taking the picture. 
acrochicken   +1y
What makes a great shot?............Everything and everyone involved.     From a killer builder/owner/painter they get props before anyone else does without them we are nobody   To anyone who has ever influenced you up till the moment it clicks   and then its up to you take a moment and turn it into a memory.     Just remember its about you last.   Anyone else with the right opportunity and equipment could do the same thing so take advantage of what you are given there wsill always be someone better so dont get hung up on yourself. Just get hung up on doing your best for the people you are taking pictures of or for.
Jance Customs   +1y
Here are some of my favorite photos. I use a Kodak Easyshare that I bought from wal-mart 5 years ago. I just mess with the settings and point and shoot.    

^^^ 1:6 scale remote control car
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Johnny O   +1y
Every time I see a Bugatti Veyron I get a chubby. No lie. I'm not usually into super cars, but that one does it for me.
bigdaddypaco   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by SSM-Johnny OEvery time I see a Bugatti Veyron I get a chubby. No lie. I'm not usually into super cars, but that one does it for me. --------------------------------------------- Same here..the Veyron is super sexy!
Shaven   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by acrochickenOne of the downsides of technology is now they teach you how to operate a computer program before you even take your first pic.  Dont get me wrong I dont want to shoot 20 rolls of film shooting a truck ever again.  Its just sad to see people go.......I will just fix it in photoshop later.   Shit happens and you have to fix it sometimes,but dont make a habit of it  Photography is also a art form so if you like what your work says and shows dont let someone tell you otherwise..........unless you are trying to get payed lol   I have seen a picture of a chair in someones backyard out of focus and overexposed sell for 3500.00 when I cant sell a 8x10 at the same show for 10bucks  so never take yourself to seriously its not what you think its what the public wants and they are normally not that educated on the technical aspect of a picture its just what spoke to them at that moment---------------------------------------------  Are you serious? thats crazy photoshop first before real skill of the eye?  i mean dont get me wrong I love photoshop... I use it everyday doing printing but with photography you can't just say ill fix it later... while in that moment if its possible to fix it and retake it. Of course there is those shots that there is something that u might have overlooked im not perfect so I have things i miss or overlook but surely not purposely.    I have a friend that is going to school for photography and she says that they are starting out with film slr's first so that they actually develope a skill instead of a crutch which is great! I on the otherhand never learned how to develope actual film in a dark room, but I do have a nack for kool shots and if I don't like the original shot ill retake it till i think the composition is good to me and rarely have to edit "defects" I just add my burn and add saturation to parts of the photo.  btw... John I would by from you lol. infact I love the shots of mitch's car you did. screw a nasty pic of a chair!
dragn168   +1y
i lucked out and got to take photography classes back in the days of actually using a dark room and having to develop your own film, it was awesome, but now a days i come across a lot of up and coming photographers that have this fetish for long exposure times in high action lowlight situations and they just kinda jam their cam in the weirdest angles (mostly at music events) and the result is these horrendous photos that kids are shitting themselves over idk heres a few ive taken recently that im fond of.

from my new job working for las vegas extremes

from my road trip across country, i for some reason got a hard on for sepia tones during this trip and i apologize if you guys arent down for em

yeah the last one and the caddilac ranch one has a good bit of color work to it but when i was at the caddilac ranch it was 1pm and i had a few states left to drive threw before reaching LA

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hitncry   +1y
Edited: 5/15/2009 2:36:04 AM by hitncry

--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by SSM-Johnny O   What makes a great shot? Being observant while you're taking the picture.  --------------------------------------------- I think that's the best statement in the thread so far. For me it's all about the details. "Why am I taking this photo?" "Where do I want the focus of this shot to be?" are great things to think about when taking photos. Also FRAMING YOUR SHOTS. I see a lot of vehicle photos with lots of wasted space. Sometimes a wide shot is great, but only if you're making use of the surrounding space.   I think the best photos are those that give you some sort of emotional feel even if it's subtle. A great photo will bring you back again and again. Like a good song or a great movie. I really like vehicle shots that have and "in the moment "feel.   I also think that some people can naturally take great photos and some people just can't. I think a lot of it is in the genes just like any other form of art.   HERE'S A FEW FAIRLY RECENT PHOTOS I'VE TAKEN. I DON'T GET TO TAKE TOO MANY ANYMORE SINCE I'M VIDEO TAPING MOST OF THE TIME NOW WHILE NICK IS TAKING PHOTOS. (right click and select "view image" if these look squished in your browser)  

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dragn168   +1y
jib arm, nice work. my main job is filming and editing video and i have a lot of friends in the film industry in hollywood its nice to see people using the right equipment and if any one would i knew it would be nick. if i had a choice of employers id love to work for surface