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Truckin' magazine

Full Size Truckin General General Discussions
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renny   +1y

Heck yeah, Ive been buying TRUCKIN for well over 20 years. In my opinion TRUCKIN touches all aspects of the scene from lowered to lifted, and all the in between.When it comes to having your truck featured or a cover shot TRUCKIN by far will garner you more attention,and its reconized by companys offering sponsorship way more than the other magazines.You can find TRUCKIN  all over the world. When Im interested in buying a copy of the other magazines, I always have to shop around for them.When my cover shot came out a few months back,I got a call from Barack Obama stating that he got a copy in the White House (jk) lol.All in all its a great magazine.Regardless of how one feels about TRUCKIN it is................THE WORLDS LEADING TRUCK PUBLICATION. I look forward to the new improvements the company is making.
4uh8rs   +1y
Dan god work with the mag.I enjoy all ends of the custom world though i dont subscribe i do pick up a copy of TRUCKIN from time to time.I do suscribe to Mini Truckim.I do have a question though.How come the only SUVs on the cover are BALLA type SUVs.Like Matt Spences escalade.Its cool and all but people would like to see regulars guys stuff knowing that the builder is like them and not rich beyond there wildest dreams
AON-4PumpedCL   +1y

Great to hear about the changes.  One thing that I love about some of the features in MiniTruckin' is the artistic elements behind the layout and photography.  That is something I would love to see more of in Truckin'.  I also love tech articles that are truly helpful and relivant showing innovative new ideas and products.  I'm not going to name any specific magazines but some features just seem very amature (text, photography, even the feature vehicle) which ultimately make the magazine look like their desperate for features. There are some amazing rides out there... no need for this at all.  Anyhow, can't wait to see how the magazine evolves now that I finally have a subscription! -Aaron     
ptman2002   +1y

good luck with the mag.   like jeff has said.  alot of the past features seem to go to the higher end market and not the home builder.  yeah there are a share of each in the mag.  but a true truck guy wants to see something regular too.  to everyone that does work on all of the mentioned truck mags,   keep up the good work cause without you we would have no truck mags at all.  each one of the mags has its on style every month,  so its cool to see what each issue packs from month to month.  instead of seeing the same style over and over. 
Uncle Fester   +1y

Thanks for the insight.  I honestly had no clue about the changes or numbers comparison.  After seeing boats for so long I gave up.  With this change I will be putting in for a membership to complement my As far as ads, skim past or don't look.  I use them to find the best deals when I need to make a purchase.Thanks and take care. 
DanWardTruckinEditor   +1y
Edited: 5/11/2009 3:42:14 PM by DanWardTruckinEditor

That's the biggest reason why I posted what I did, to clear up any and ALL misconceptions about the mag.Trust me, I too was tired of seeing some of the same old stuff every month. That was then, this is now.  In regards to style, layout, and photos, I agree that each magazine should have its own style and unique look.Truckin' is geared towards fullsize truck owners, customizers, and the general truck enthusiast. We can't be everything for everybody, but we do have a good variety of all things trucks.  I'm listening to each suggestion and will use them to make the title better. Thanks again for the support.
YOLO   +1y

Dan, I have not posted on this site is a couple years. I saw your post and had to respond. Truckin' Magazine is the TOP TRUCK MAGAZINE. Anyone who builds a truck wants to be in TRUCKIN'. If Truckin' says no, they go to one of the other magazines. The biggest complement a truck owner can get is a "YES" from Truckin'. Besides that, my wife and I enjoy it when you and your fiance come to town. Even when you weren't the editor, you were so dedicated to Truckin'. You deserve it and nice job with the turn a round. I can't wait to see the next issue.  Mark Barbee
JPeventsxx   +1y
Thanks for the numbers, minitruckers need to open there eyes.   Couple of questions,  how do you balance the parity in coverage without canabalizing each other's coverage?  Additionally is their a chance for consolidation between magazines in these tough economic times? JP
baggednblue   +1y
Since we are on the topic of mags and new content.  I was wondering the other day reading MT that there is an increase in woman on the cover and in the mags.  Why is that?  Does it help numbers?  Is it really necessary?  Is that actually going to make someone buy the mag because there is some nasty skank on the cover.  And if there is why don't people just buy a porno mag.  Its sad that when you go to a show and the bikini contest winner gets 1500 and best of show gets a 2 dollar piece of metal.  Just sucks when my girls kids wants to look at the mag and my gf wont let them because of the content.  Sorry to hijack the thread and was just wondering what other peoples voice was on this? 
luis1989   +1y

Dan ward(Truckin) is a great guy and treats you with respect unlike other magazines.I just got my truck shot during Gator Drag and like he said " if you want to play hard, join the major leaguers and not the minors". Cant wait to see the truck features in Truckin Magazine.                                                                                                                                                             Thanks again, Dan, see you at showdown or heatwave