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Mini Truckin General \  Stunned in Seattle, an article by Brandon from Crime Pays Video

Stunned in Seattle, an article by Brandon from Crime Pays Video

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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getto   +1y
ive been sayin it for a hot min, only we are goin to ruin it for us, all this stupid happy horse shit about breakin shit at hotels, jumpin off balconies[sp?] and the such, and another thing ive been sayin, and im sure i will get hated on for this, as i dont post a whole lot, the younger gen, sees all our "icons" and "idols" in videos doin all this bullshit, and they in turn think its whats cool and follow suit. as well as all this homo-erotic man on man shit, balls on a dudes face is just fvckin gross, no ?, gross. for ex:at low rollers 08 we were at a hotel, in the parkin lot, chillin, coolers, tents etc, no rowdy shit, bout 20-30 heads, cops rolled thru evry 45 min or so, no probs, we were chillin, thats it. they were cool with it, next door, 100 yards away, at another hotel, dudes fought a cop, ripped down curtains, a tv got chucked out a window as well as a couch or two, senseless bullshit! this yr, at our same hotel, cops shut the whole shit down, when i asked a cop, who was one of the same from the previous yr, why?,he replied"all you lowrider guys get a bit too fvckin rowdy" i in return told him i remembered him from last yr, as his superior walked away, he told me he remebered me as we had talked a bit previously, and said the shit that hasd happened last yr had them all on alert, and his sgt told them all [patroling cars and offiders] 0 tolerence, no drinking out side, no hanging outside, and any one who didnt like it got 2 verbal warnings, and they were told "to arrest anyone to make a statement" shitty, at one point we had a hotel guest that was in a wedding party, he hit his girl, was drunk as fvck and got arrested, on his was to the cruiser, a mini trucker made a statement, mind you the guy was in cuffs, and he was black, "its ok oj" he was also imidietly arrested. and that was the absolute last straw for em. we were all screwed. and this is just one example. there are hotels that wont even let us book for the show, and we are doing it to ourselves.                  so it was good to hear about such a good show, and i think it was cool of you to share it with us, i am always happy to hear about a positive exp. at a show. there is a time amd place for everything, a show and drinking to some guys go hand in hand, im not big drinker on show grounds, im a dad and dont want my son around a bunh of drunk ruff necks, acting dumb, being loud, using foul lang. and the such, overall doucebaggery. throw a coozy on your can chill in your tent knock a few back but dont act like a fvck face just so other dudes will look at you and say your cool. i applaude the sittin pretti guys for acknowledging this and running a show that is /sounds like tons odf fun. i hope to see more articles like this from your escapades thru you and your filming...hopefully in one of your vids you can also, glorify this action and not gayness and douchebaggery, as when heads watch what you create, they often imitate it.
idrgbdy   +1y
very nice story man. makes me want to travel across the country to hit up that show. i love the small truck run vibe and shows that are 90% minis. just a bunch of people hanging out doing what we love. no complaints, no destruction, no drama.
low_blazer   +1y

As sombody that's been showing in the NW for a number of years now, it's really nice to see something like this.  Clubs like Sittin Pretti, Visions, Underground Kustoms, Magical Minis and Extreme Renditions have been putting out an amazing effort to help keep the scene alive up here for years now.  It's great to see people from around the country get to experience what we have going on up here.  It's true, we don't have the biggest show scene up here...5 or 6 really good shows a year is about all we get.  I think when we lost Dropzone a few years back, it really opened up alot of eyes, and showed us what can happen when things get out of control.  We do everything we can to keep the few shows we have left going.  It's nice to know that there are still going to be shows like these left for my kids to drag there minis to... Thanks for the article Brandon..
TufLuv80   +1y

I'm from the NW and this is how all the shows were back in the day. Layed back and chill. Dropzone was the most notorious shows for the NW and after its popularity got to an all time high, it started to have its problems with everyone consuming to much alcohol and acting stupid. Alot of people will argue that its not a show unless you can drink but I would debate all day long with them. I miss being able to take my kids to a weekend show so they can get the experience just as much as I do. As minitruckers we are suppose to be family. But when it comes down to when I cant bring my family to a show because I know to many people are going to drink it lowers my experience of the show because I cant share it with the most important people in my life. I guess it all comes down to how the clubs want to run there shows and how far they want to push the envelope. HAVE A WELL KNOWN SHOW THAT EVERYONE WANTS TO COME TO BECAUSE YOU CAN GET TRASHED?   OR, HAVE A SHOW WHERE EVERYONE WANTS TO COME TO BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY CAN HAVE A GREAT TIME WITH THERE FAMILY AND THERE MINITRUCKIN FAMILY AS WELL?  Alot of these posts have been on here and I guess alot of people don't want to read about this issue. We have to keep pressing the issue and maybe something will become of it down the road. 
pristine69image   +1y

wow...great article and sounds like the way it used to be and also should be. espicially with all of the cry babies at some of the shows about judging, and all of the bad attitudes. its supposed to be a fun thing for everyone..good article
twistedsdime   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by BOOOGHARshows were like that once upon a time ......---------------------------------------------Well lets hope it comes back. We all need to be a family/community instead of being so cut throat.
bodydropped85   +1y
come to allstar event. people drink beer there, but nothing has gotten outa hand. if it does your gone end of story.we try to provide a "relaxed atmosphere" for you all to enjoy . and if you wana break stuff, we have a car smash.
Just_Robert   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by gettothe younger gen, sees all our "icons" and "idols" in videos doin all this bullshit, and they in turn think its whats cool and follow suit.---------------------------------------------I Agree!!!!!!Certain DVD companies only focus on tits and ass. I don't care forthe way they portray it at all! When all you do is go around and ask, "Who do you flash for?", thats pretty gay.
tuckin eh   +1y

pretty much every show i've been to has been that way here in canada at least. i never experienced stupidity at a show until i started travelling further south. i guess the more shows you have around you the more people take them for granted. we dont have too many up here so they're more of a social gathering with those you don't see much during the winter rather than a show. and competition? that shits whack. trophies are nice but around here you share tire shine with the guy parked next to you in your class if he doesnt have any. it does make me sad that not too many shows have atmospheres like that anymore...and what makes me even more sad is that this next generation of minitruckers and custom auto enthusiasts will have no idea about why we all originally fell in love with this hobby to begin certainly wasn't burnouts, train horns and dragging that made me so many friends over the years.
idrgbdy   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by bagged85 come to allstar event. people drink beer there, but nothing has gotten outa hand. if it does your gone end of story.we try to provide a "relaxed atmosphere" for you all to enjoy . and if you wana break stuff, we have a car smash. --------------------------------------------- i agree. RA was a laid back vibe and i had a badass time. can't wait til next year!
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