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Mini Truckin General \  Stunned in Seattle, an article by Brandon from Crime Pays Video

Stunned in Seattle, an article by Brandon from Crime Pays Video

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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I have had the oppurtunity to sit and hang out with the guys and gals from Sittin Pretti when they came to our show in Canada( Meltdown) and Sponge and the crew are first class people who enjoy a show for what it is clean rides hangin with good friends havin fun. They should be really proud of what they do and who they are  all i can say is WELL DONE GUYS AND GALS WELL DONE.
Johnny O   +1y
I've been fortunate enough to call the guys and girls in Sittin Pretti friends for at least 6 or 7 years now and all because of a first experience almost identical to what you (Brandon) described. As a club they are extremely hospitable and as soon as you drive through their show gates you get that feeling of mutual respect, which is the exact same thing you get from shows like the ///RA Show.   This is a very good point; ---------------------------------------------Originally posted by gettothe younger gen, sees all our "icons" and "idols" in videos doin all this bullshit, and they in turn think its whats cool and follow suit.---------------------------------------------              Everyone has those out of control moments, I've had plenty of them, many of them have been caught on tape and I'll be the first to admit how wrong, retarded and disrespectful that has been to not only the shows that it happened at, but the mini truck community as a whole.Those are not the type of moments that newbies or OG's need to emulate, they're the kind of bullshit that snowballed out of control and needs to be put in check. My personal goal is to make that past behavior a very distant past. I truly hope the rest of my friends will follow suit.
projekt94   +1y
wow!! thats was a great read brandon. i totally agree with you 120%.  when i attended the i was totally blown away with the atmosphere and the commadarie(sp) between all who attended. im not saying that just because i roll with and its our show, im saying that this was an experience ill never forget. you guys really have to hit up this show next year!! now i dont have any other west coast show to compare it to, as this was my first out of state show. just the fact that there were more minis than fullsizes was just awsome!! dont get me wrong im down for a bagged fullsize but being a lil guy i tend to stick with the minis hahaha. being from texas where the motto is "everythings bigger in texas" couldnt be more true!! everyones trying to the stuff the biggest rim under a truck and it just gets ridiculous!! train horns, burnouts, talking shit, drunkeness, tends to get old after awhile. evryone whos been to texas show knows what im talking about. i know more shows in other states do the same but like i said ive only been to one out of state show.  i love the scene and have been in it for a good 10-11yrs now to some 10-11yrs is nothing!!  but to me its almost a lifetime lol. ive seen a big change and it sucks. kids acting dumb and as was stated show promoters "out for a dollar". its put a bad taste in the mouth of o.g. mini truckers.  also videos that portray nothing but stupid shit as tearing up hotel rooms, restaurants, trucks, and shooting nothing but chicks naked and fucking a truck is just trashy!!! dont get me wrong im down for some titties and ass but i cant watch with my 3 young sons sitting next to me wanting to see some footage of shows. thats why in my opinion, and im not kissing brandons ass, i only watch crime pays videos. the filming, editing, and music is what i love about the videos. big jerry said it right also, the old school mini truckers need to roll out to shows and show the younger generation how to have a good time without all the stupid bullshit!!! i can go on and on but for now im done!!! hahaha
sundown   +1y
getting the old people (I inculde myself in that category) out to the shows is a good point. Our chapter of No Sympathy will be attending more out of state shows this coming year which will get this sad sac out of the garage for awhile and allow me to polish up my social skills a little. Point taken and I didnt mention it before but nice write up Brandon, really enjoyed reading it brother!
jetts   +1y

The Sittin Pretti crew is a great bunch of people and their show is aswome Coming from Arizona its odd to see no one drinking, cause it seems to be the norm at shows here (which isnt a bad thing, ive never witnessed a problem due to drinking) I enjoy my trip to Washington for the Sittin Pretti show every year and i will keep going every year for aslong as they have the show.  Oh and seeing the guys from Sittin Pretti drive out to WCN, makes me feel like i need to drive the blue beast to Washington for their show
tealchevy   +1y
im pretty sure some guy running his ball sack across another sleeping guys face is not "ruining the scene" ........just sayin
dbldub01   +1y

very good article, really wish it could make a difference, but it's sad to say we are going to be our own downfall, and when there are no more shows left, who is left to blame??  Hate if you want, but the drinking and destruction is far out of hand, there are plenty of other ways to have a good time....the whole "scene" has become more of the "drag and destroy" motto and it is rediculous to me

sitnprti   +1y
Thank you Brandon, and everyone else for the kind words and respect. We aren't trying to change how anyone acts or how they choose to have fun at a show. We just want everyone to feel welcome and have fun. We will continue to throw our show and bringing out magazine and dvd editors to show the scene how we do it. Next years show is set for August 21, 2010. We are hoping to bring Crime Pays, Domination, Minitruckin, and StreetTrucks back out.  We hope everyone will consider making the drive up here or down here to check it out and have some fun....."IF YOU AIN'T SITTIN LOW, YOU AIN'T
Cosa Nostra   +1y

its cause everybodys gotta be famous and have the sickest truck body dropped on 28s and anybody else that doesnt is looked down upon or gets shit talked about how his or hers trucks doesnt lay on 26s and doesnt5 have a billet frame or crazy 35 color paintjob or 50 grand into the interior...what happened to days of just getting congrats cause ur truck was body dropped on 17s...maybe we should all go back to when things were simpler and everybody just enjoyed each others company and u gotta have the sickest truck in the world or  ur trucks weak as fuck cause its plain and daily driven...maybe if people started actually driveing there stuff rather then loading it on a trailer it would be different...
speedylowz   +1y

Good Read Leath, CPV remains to be a class act when it comes to catching the good moments on film so that ones that missed a particular show get to see it on film...........Keep up the good wurk & maybe somewhere down the road.....peeps that don't have a full understanding of what the scene is about,(trucks,family/friendships,good tymezzz...etc.) might eventually get the whole picture!!! Good Stuff!!! STARCRUNCH BUNCH RULEZZZZZ!!!