You know for years I have watched as bikers around the world work weeks on end to get to sturgis. Thousands flock to this grand event every year and I was wondering if we could ever get people all over world to converge to one place. If we could find a location where would it be? I would like to hear what you all think of a grand event? There are tons of promoters out there with tons of ideas. I'm sure it would take 10 or 12 promoters from around the country to cross ideas. It's a dream of mine to see something like that!
i second this idea completely, the closest ive ever been to like that was reso. FAN-FRIGGIN-TASTIC time, damn good people, no drama, memories for a lifetime.
Tex Mex is the closest thing you're gonna see in the mini-truckin' world... I personally hung out with people from Japan, Mexico and Canada last year. And I would bet that nearly every state was represented there too... -Trae
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by KiKTex Mex is the closest thing you're gonna see in the mini-truckin' world... I personally hung out with people from Japan, Mexico and Canada last year. And I would bet that nearly every state was represented there too... -Trae---------------------------------------------I got to second this too. I would almost be willing to put money down that there was one person from all 48 continental states if not all 50 and multiple countries.