Edited: 2/23/2010 12:04:18 PM by ModernRodder
I hardly ever log in and post on SSM anymore, but this is a top that is incredibly important. No, you can't narrow the problem in the Minitruckin' scene to a specific age group and let me elaborate. I myself, am 28. I have been in this scene for over ten years, and been around it even longer as my older brother of eight years got me into it. The scene has changed so much from family and friends oriented to well... just that, a scene. When talking about the problem, we have to take several measures to nullify it. In the discussion of it being an age thing, which is incredibly relevant, we also have to take a look at what we're promoting. Yes, young folks come to shows and runs and act like complete morons. I myself went to Showfest every year for nine years and saw the increasing number of idiots with each passing year. No one respected the promoters of that show or the city of Greenville at the end. That show became all about dragging on the strip and pissing cops of, getting so lit you wouldn't remember the weekend, and destroying as much public or privately owned property as people could. Was this Sean or the rest of Assorted's fault? No, because it all boils down to personal responsibility. However, I must say, that as this kind of behavior started to become more mainstream, you would see more and more established members of the 'scene' emulating this behavior. Take a look at how many 'scene' videos are published. Now watch the majority of these videos, sit, and think about what it is exactly you are viewing. Not all of those videos are shot and published 20 somethings at all. It is true, that a section of the older members of the scene have started assimilating to the very problem which EVERYONE talks about. But back to the point about it being a 'scene.' When people watch a very well produced video or published magazine displaying our kind of customized automobies, what do they see? Flat billed hats, Dickies shorts, black socks, Vans, and more often times than not Dixie or Solo cups filled with Bud Light, and very stupid people doings things while inebriated; and yes, phenomenal custom rides. If you were to see a video or mag from ten, twelve, fifteen years go it would be completely different. And by this I mean no disrespect to any video publisher or magazine publisher/editor, you are filming what happens, and this is capitalism after all. But in my opinion, we need to stop promoting a lifestyle that, according to a lot of people, they don't want to see in the scene. It also boils down to the respect people have for their own vehicles. There are folks out there who airbag or juice rides with the intent purpose of dragging them. Well, as a note, it's illegal which by it's very nature of being so is disrespectful. It is not only disrespectful to tax payers, local law enforcement, or a community; but to also your own work and automobile. We all love to see the ultra high end and incredible rides in the mags and videos, but those aren't the kind of people ripping stuff up on the streets. They respect their own cars and trucks, much like the hot rod builders we come from. The Minitruckin' scene more highly reflected Rod Runs ten years ago. There is no end all be all quick fix solution to the problem in the scene today. We should all look at great examples of Truck Runs, and the people who put them on, emulate them, and thank them. Much respect to the likes of Eddy Cebreco, Bob Hase, Mitch Henderson, Bill Carton and Mitch Rall, Assorted, and the likes to keep the scene going, and going in the right way. But at the end of the day, people THEMSELVES have to realize they are part the problem, and start being a part of the solution.