This is another reason I don't participate in this scene, get on here much, or go to many truck related shows anymore. There are soo many just absolutely stupid and flat out annoying dipshits that say stuff like that!! It blows my mind sometimes that there are that many downright ignorant, rude, extremely opinionated people in this world, muchless this "scene" or whatever the cool term for it isthese days. Fester, is one of the nicest guys around and he cares so much about minitruckin' that he let me re-phrase that..took on the responsibility of saving one of your hobbies most iconic vehicles to restore to its former glory for everyone to view and enjoy in the future. I think all of you owe Fester a real big apology and a even bigger thank you for giving a shit enough to do it. So, heres my thank you, Fester. Thanks for caring enough to bring back a iconic truck for everyone to be able to enjoy for years to come, your alot bigger man than i am, I quit giving a shit about most of the idiots in this business long ago.