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Mini Truckin General \  SSM DOES SAY SOMETHINGS I AGREE WITH........(for once)


Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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SSM-Webmaster   +1y

Yea, i never mentioned it but he spent hours on AOL IM with me after my devorce and just listened.. Helped me alot and never asked for anything in return. I will never forget that..
stlowburban   +1y
Anybody that would bash Fester is a douche themselves and obviously has never met him.  I met him at Reso and found him to be a very down to earth guy that just wants to help preserve our history.  His ranger is all him and awesome in it's own right. Hell I'm 39 and I've been building trucks and going to shes since 1993 so I think I'm qualified to speak on the subject. I've said for years if I had the means I would buy certain mini's that were historically significant to me and restore them for others to enjoy.  I applaud him for stepping to the plate and doing so.  I just saw Bill Carltons' old van on craigslist all beat down for like $2500.  I would absolutely buy it and restore it to it's former glory if I could.  Rob Rodells' old LoMego is another.  I've even thought about  cloning the toyota Ballistic just so an example would exist.  Would I still be a poser?  Screw the haters, they won't last long anyways and all the true minitruckers will still be here.  
22below   +1y

Hey bought Time Machine!????
relaxedmitch   +1y

This is another reason I don't participate in this scene, get on here much, or go to many truck related shows anymore. There are soo many just absolutely stupid and flat out annoying dipshits that say stuff like that!! It blows my mind sometimes that there are that many downright ignorant, rude, extremely opinionated people in this world, muchless this "scene" or whatever the cool term for it isthese days. Fester, is one of the nicest guys around and he cares so much about minitruckin' that he let me re-phrase that..took on the responsibility of saving one of your hobbies most iconic vehicles to restore to its former glory for everyone to view and enjoy in the future. I think all of you owe Fester a real big apology and a even bigger thank you for giving a shit enough to do it. So, heres my thank you, Fester. Thanks for caring enough to bring back a iconic truck for everyone to be able to enjoy for years to come, your alot bigger man than i am, I quit giving a shit about most of the idiots in this business long ago.
j&jkustomz   +1y
I've always had the "I would never buy a built truck" attitude but not because I thought it was lame, Only because I wanna know I built it, not bought it!  But like one of you said, not everyone knows how to build a full custom ride.. I will say that I hate the fuck sticks that buy these rides and destroy them because they don't care enough to take care of something that someone else put alot of time in! I don't know fester like some of you guys but I know the two trucks he bought and read about them alot over the years!  And I say he is a lucky man to own two killer rides. I've seen Last Look at Scrapin the Coast one year but never seen Time Machine! But these are two trucks that I'm glad to see someone who cares enough about the scene, took them in and made sure they will be around alot longer! I hope one day I can see them both at a show and meet this guy you all call FESTER!  Hats off to you bro! 
no1lowr   +1y
Edited: 4/1/2010 1:27:36 AM by no1lowr

 wow fester owns the time machine, last look, milo, and the purple ranger! wow fester your my idol! 
lumpy   +1y
right before BTN we had a small cruise night and fester brought out the time machine he let my buddies girlfriends kid ask abunch of questions about it and even touch the truck because it has some raised graphics on it  ...  now who would let a kid go up and touch there ride?????? i talked to him for awhile about all his trucks bought and building and just the scene in general and he rolled out awhile laterthe next day at the show he came up and said hi and chated again for a bit and i had just met him the night beforeso if anyone needs to say anything about fester you should be sayin damn wish there were more like him in the scene then maybe it wouldnt be going down hill or have so much negative in it   
Purple95Nissan   +1y

I want to know when minitruckin became like a gang. If you dont dress a certin way, act a certin way, even do things a certin way your some kinda poser. Iv had people take cracks at me not being a ture minitrucker just cause I dont look like one. When did you have to look like a minitrucker and what does that look like? Do I need to start wearing long black socks with my slip on vans, long shorts, and button up shirts, topped off with a flat duckbilled cap. Anyways just a rant. I have no issue with people buying bought trucks. I always hope some of the beautiful trucks go to the right people and dont get demolished.The only reason I have stuck with this scene so long is cause I really love it and when I tired to leave it I just got pulled right back in.

ElCadillacKid   +1y
Edited: 4/1/2010 2:05:00 AM by ElCadillacKid

I've never Fester but I give him much respect for keeping "Last Look" and "Time Machine" alive and well. Plus his Ranger is insane. All of these people posting how dedicated and caring he is about people and mini trucking can't be wrong. the "built not bought" debate has been going on for the past few years. me personally, i'd probably have a shop do the dirty work for me. I don't see why the bad attitude towards someone buying a done truck is even necessary. better someone buy it than it sit and rot or end up in the crusher. hate, disrespect and ignorance will always be a part of life and there isn't anything we can do about it. i think that there are too many people coming into mini trucking just to have a cool truck. i could be wrong though.
baggedmitsu   +1y

built not bought = biggest bullshit ever! THAT IS ALL!