---------------------------------------------Originally posted by tharealjoedirtrelaxed regrets<> bitches representing ..or maybe ill severed atmosphere with a star???---------------------------------------------this guy cant be serious, can he? i guess its true what they say, common sense just isnt that common anymore! its really not hard to see that its a direct copy of severed TIES. you learn to roll with the punches though, imitation is the biggest form of flattery or somethin like that they say. whoever they are, they will fade away like 99% of all clubs that pull shit like that, and guess what, DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER. <><><> on a side note, "just think... you were the fastest and strongest of all the sperm, to shame" was the funniest damn thing i have heard in a long time!! i owe you a beer for the laughs i had with that!! CurtisSevered Ties