Ive been a mini-trucker for a long fricken time. I have experience with tool ass cops. The offense that got this guy towed was that this truck was parked in the street without moving for over 30 days. He was warned 3 times. It appears that will get you towed in Tx. Its all in the video. That's it. Doesn't matter what the truck was or wasn't equip with. Could've been a stock ride with nothing done to it. The fact that it is an eyesore to the cop, got the cop's attention. Plain and simple. Has nothing to do with it being an air-ride equip truck. Has nothing to do with it being laid out. And has nothing to do with it being custom. The fact that the cop does not like the owner and see's him as a nuisance has everything to do with it being a laid out mini truck. Cops not liking you isn't against the law, and wont get your truck towed. Parking your shitbox in the street for months and not moving it will. In most places this is called an abandoned vehicle. The impound yard would have charged as much or more than $300 a day to house your abandoned vehicle. Simply put, if you value something, don't leave it in the street. If the registration was current, all he had to do was move it. One side of the street to the other once in awhile. If it is movable, there is no excuse for not moving it. I'd like to hear why this guy left it there for so long without moving it. That seems to be the only part of the story that is not clear. I still think he may have been testing the patience of his neighbors and the police. Him filming the whole thing kinda shows that.
Nothing against this dude, or cops. Don't break the law. Even the little ones, and your "baby" will stay off the tow trucks. Its common sense to most people. If you think the local police department might have it in for you, and have multiple tickets from the same officers, you are at the mercy of the law. If they are ticketing you for ticket-able offenses, you are in the wrong. If they are ticketing you for bullshit that is not illegal, you can contact your local congressman's office, and they will direct you to the proper avenues to file complaints against officers. Filing a complaint against an officer is your right as an member of society, and as an American citizen.