So its been a while since I've posted. Been pretty busy with my jobs(got promoted at one of them), fixing everyone's cars around me, as well as my truck. Still doing some work on it for fun, i also found a club that meets up out here with their trucks so I will try to make it to that this Saturday and post some pics. I've met this woman who i am hoping things go well with. So anyways here is some pics of a week ago when my truck decided it wanted to pull over and take a break on the side of the 118 freeway.
My timing pulleys decided to freeze up
The tensioner is now fused with the belt.
So after getting it towed to my brothers house, and waiting for my new pulleys to show up at O'Rielly(sucks cause i work at Autozone but we didnt have them in stock) so my brother and I decided to go to a VW meet up the freeway from his house and it was pretty cool. Until we were on the way home and his bug decided it wanted to take a break and hang out on the side of the freeway as well. The fuel pump went out. Again.
So we called my parents and my other brother and said it might not be a good idea to drive, if they had to, they should stay off the freeway.
End of the day I got the truck back up and running. Next morning I left for work, stop at the gas station close to my job, and i popped the hood and I had oil everywhere under the hood. Oh great. Checked it, and I was about 2quarts low. got some and drove to work. Had it towed home, on the way home the chain they were using to tow it broke. The chain whipped around, knocked my center cap off, and banged up my fender pretty good. Ripped a brake line but it made it home. Replaced the Crank Seal, so i fixed the leak, got a new brake hose, and now my truck is running well again.
Did a compression check, and all 4 cylinders are at 120-140 so i didnt bend a valve.
So with the good news on my truck, I went out with a friend, then had some drinks and played pool with his neighbor and a bunch of other people. 1st time drinking is quite a few years, so it took a bit of getting used to the alcohol again. So now I have a date and ill be going out Friday. Things are looking pretty good so far now.
Here is a pic of who I'm taking out. figured I'd share.