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General Discussion \  Legality, rules, etc.

Legality, rules, etc.

General Discussion
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mazdamandan   +1y
Anyone out there have a list of mods that are legal or illegal or how about a list of parameters that must be met?
What im getting at is I dont want issues with the fuzz, As far as mods are concerned. Ive heard I cant have a phantom grille or air systems or shaved handles or any part of the vehicle below the bottom of the rim etc.
Im sure most of you dont care but I do. I would like to be on the right side of the law or at least be able to argue the validity of my mods.
Oh yeah, and unless you are a certified carriageman you cannot cut or weld on your frame. Nevermind build a custom frame, I want a dayly driver for summertime, any help appreciated.
I know the laws are different form area to area too.

If we could get a list or whatever that would be cool.
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
"a certified carriageman" is that what I am? I didn'y know there was a title for it

I could give you an idea for here in the states, but I would just be guessing at Canadian laws. I asked everyone about license plate laws and that seems common between both countries. I can understand the phantom grille, but shaved handles?

Should be an interesting thread...
gravity5   +1y
No you cannot have shaved handles....but you can relocate handles....and make them smaller, as long as they are there, and are mechanical...electric handles are a no no too. As for air ride....totally legally no, not unless it came from the factory simply due to the fact that you are modifying your factory frame. Most mechanical shops that deal with rigs and the such will pass it though. Also if you really wanna buck up, you can get frame modifications that are engineered by an engineer and welded by a welder passed. But most if not all engineers will not do it for you, good luck on that one.

As for phantom grilles NO, they obscure the headlights.

Anything else you wanna know about.
phatkix   +1y
i had my frame built up at an engineering shop, and welded by a level A welder.

to the tune of $5600 canadian.

question about the door handles gravity............ i was told by the police and icbc, that you CAN have shaved handles.......they told me that new cars have a built in feature that locks the doors upon the car being turned off. thus not allowing entry from outside, because the locks are power, and there would be no power to them. they said that this would basically make it as if the vehicle had no outside handles.

i have shaved doors with a manual popper, because i was getting harassed about the full shave, but now that i found that info we shaved my bro's doors with electric far we have been through countless road blocks and been pulled over a couple times with no hassle what so ever.

curious if you have heard anything about this handle babble ???????????????
down2earthdawg   +1y
I got away with the phantom grill the cop that pulled me over for speeding asked about my head lights this is what he asked me in his own werds " you got working head lights behind there" as he bent down to look I hit the brights lol "YUP they work he said" lol
heres your sign!
in the states you can get tickets for drivin to low no bumper if you have LED's you can get one for improper tailights

I got a ticket for unsafe vehicle improper tail lights no tag light no insurance because the cop couldnt read the insurance card and got it towed.

cops are azzes ride smart and you wont have to worry.
gravity5   +1y
shaved door handles are still illegal according to the motor vehicle is a phantom.....and just for reference if the officer wants to be an asshole so are aftermarket tinted windows, any sort of custom light, including non DOT H4 conversions.....there are a lot of illegal things out there, most of the time you can get away with them....but there will be a day.

Plus when doing electric poppers what happens if one day a popper fails( and they do) or the battery is dead, Thats why I have relocated hidden door handles.
down2earthdawg   +1y
I have jump points in case my battery dies to pop my doors. are you talking Canadian laws or US laws Gravity5
fantomrush   +1y
wow canada sucks... lol jk
mazdamandan   +1y
bc is waay tougher than alberta, for sure, one of the local DOT officers told me if I did my handles properly he would not have a problem with it and there should be a failsafe, I'll have to get specifics from him on that, and i'll share once I know. He is a hot rodder type o guy too.

Gravity show us some pics of your relocated handles, Ive put keyless entry in already, but I have not done the rest of it yet , I did the complete job on an s-10 the other day.

A carriageman , is a bodyman but higher end, he would have the ability to engineer, and build and repair frames. And he can weld everything and anything certifiably except under water I think.
I was gonna get to that level in my apprenticeship. But I wanted to live longer than the guys who were teachin me.
mazdamandan   +1y
gravity, another question I have is are there rules about gas tank relocaton, and filling type, I wanna shave my filler door STAT. Also, shaving your tailgate.

It seems to be I could do a body drop and nobody would care or be the wiser, but If ya mod your suspension with air systems its a no no. Is that true? I have never heard of an issue with a BD, It may not be listed?