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General Discussion \  your take on immigration

your take on immigration

General Discussion
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mullet   +1y
Before I say too much on how i feel, i want to know how everyone else feels about the immigration issues our country is faced with. How do you feel about the protests? the employers giving illegal immigrants jobs? the self proclaimed min. men patroling the borders? Please keep this politically correct, we don't need a bunch of racial slurs or rude comments... or the thread will shut down. With that being said i will make a small comment to start things off.

On the statue of liberty there is a script that reads "give me your tired, your sick, and your hungry".... now it reads "No Vacancy." I personally don't see the big deal of someone trying to better themselves and their family, however i do think there is a legal way of doing this. And if they are trying so desperatly to become US citizens... waving a mexican flag around in a Chicago protest isn't the way to express your feelings in a positive manner.

How does everyone else feel?

thetornado   +1y
imigration is how our great country has been formed. many of them came to this country looking for a new opportunity to start a new life. many of our ancestors came here in illegal ways, and then started a great life for themselves and thier families.
today is a lot differant though. our country is being populated at a rate that is steadily increasing, and many jobs are being lost due to illegal imigrants.
i would hope that our government could control our borders better from allowing illegals to come over and flood our country. i am not saying that we should keep immigrants out, but we need to monitor the amount that are being allowed into our country.
madmazda   +1y
No Comment.
pont   +1y
If anyone from another country wonts to come to this country and LEARN ENGLISH and SUPPORT THEMSELFS then i say come on welcome. but if you just wont to come here and wont me to learn what you speak and live off wellfare then i say get the hell out. we dont you need you here and that goes for US as well if you wont to live on Wellfare then get the hell out.
hocbj23   +1y
Everybody here except Native Americans IS an immigrant or descended from immigrants.We are a big country-bring 'em on and let's give them a chance to succeed like we do and did. BJ
projekt94 (david)   +1y
ok im hispanic and yes i do know illegal immigrants, they work for me, no pun intended. this is the way i feel about it. i dont know why they are protesting? they are already here! waving a mexican flag in cali or chicago,florida or whereever the hell they is not gonna solve anything! if you dont like it here then go back its easy as that! they come for a better life but yet live off of milk and government cheese , dont work, they dont try to better themselves, though some try. as for the language i really do think they need to learn the language. if we go in thier country we have to learn thiers so why cant they learn ours? there is a legal way to doing this but they dont wanna go through with it. ive heard its like $2500 to become an american citizen. this whole immigration thing is retarded! as for the border patrol issue we do need more patrols to protect the border otherwise the minute men are gonna come over and blast some illegals wit no questions asked. i have more but dont wanna make this issue too hot or long!
roach25681   +1y
Shoot every illegal immigrant. Thats all that needs to be done. Legal is fine, illegal deserves to be shot.
baggedb22   +1y
Im with Roach25681
madmazda   +1y
Lol, Once again, No Comment
roach25681   +1y
I'll say it again now that that cocksucker Bush is putting troups on the border. Shoot those fence jumping bastards.