i could go on about this for hours, but i wont. i am italian, so my family also at one time came to this country as an immigrant, but not once did they ask for a free hand out, not once did they expect someone to adapt to there language, they learned to speak english, as broken as it may have been, and they also got a job and supported there families, they did not cry and call it unfair when they had to struggle, they dealt with it, out on there shit kickin boots and made it through, theres nothing that pisses me off more than going to a store and seeing under every english word, the spanish version, you know what GOOD for the minute men, at least they are out there defending what they believe is right, i dont want some freakin murderer, rapist, child molestor or someone with aids, h.i.v or any other disease just waltzing right into my country, to do as they please, you want to live here, its simple, PAY TAXES and SPEAK ENGLISH, i used to work retail, now i am 6'3 blonde hair and blue eyed, white as white can be ( and yes im still italian, dont ask ) and these motherfuckers would come up to me and ask me if i speak spanish " you speaka spanish? " and when i would say no they spoke perfectly ine english, dont come here and expect me to adapt to you, adapt to us damnit,
thats all i have to say for now, i will chime in later
oh yeah by the way
the statue of liberty does say bring me your weak and tired, but how many illegals pass the statue of liberty into the us the right and legal way? about 1% and it says WEAK and TIRED, not lazy, criminal, welfare monkeys
sorry if anyone is offended but thats how i feel, sick of working 60 hrs a week in a warehouse bustin my ass and people down the street in the ghetto sit on there asses in there free goverment housing collecting $2500 a month on welfare with there 8 kids from 8 different daddy's
ok now i am truly done