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General Discussion \  your take on immigration

your take on immigration

General Discussion
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projekt94 (david)   +1y
this is the way i see it. its like i said before if you dont like the way this country is then get out and go back to little miserable lives you had back in your own country! im tired of seeing people that dont work, (unless you call selling crack a job!) sit at home waiting for the goverment check to come in(to buy more crack) and then go and bitch about how its unfair that they cant get a job and this and that! its ridiculous!! i cant stand it! i do work for a living. me and my wife both work for a living! and to tell you the truth it is hard especially when you have kids, i have 2! just last night we were at the store and these people were there shopping and to me it looked like they had money you know so when they were checking out boom fucking food stamps! i looked at my wife and was like what the fuck? so as were leaving my oldest son said hey my truck(he loves hummers) and low and behold whos driving that monster on 22s? yup the guy who just paid his groceries with food stamps! these people are driving better cars than us working people! this isnt the first time ive seen this and i know this isnt new! but it pisses me off! why should they get sooo much shit from the government yet go back and complain about it. it doesnt make sense! or duz it? im not one saying shoot every border jumper that comes across. i think there should be tougher laws when you do get caught! all they do is send your ass back! thats it! hell if i wanted to cross and get caught, well hell lets try it again, if it still dont work hey its ok we'll keep trying til we get there! theres no fine, jail time, nothing! building bigger fences aint gonna solve shit! theyll just have to work harder in crossing! i say make it an electric fence and give a shock! maybe then theyll be like no fuck it we'll just stay here! how about when their caught put them in the military who cares if you dont know english it dont take talking to shoot a gun! better off sending them than any of us! more border patrols? please!!!! down here dude everyone is as crooked as a fuckin question mark! its all political bullcrapt! law officers, border patrol are being paid under the table! so if an immigrant has some money to offer the gay patrol he will take it! hell who wouldnt what the hell do they care? its not like its gonna come back to haunt them! they have back up from the crooked ass politicians! i feel that these immigrants do us no good! and im through for now!
nytrdr24   +1y

if their making $3 an hour they must be illegal because min. wage is like $7 or so an hour & not being greedy, just suggesting a fix two of the problems that have come about because of gov. mismanagement, they have robbed from peter to pay paul out of social security, not regulated the escalating med cost (paying for those w/o ins [illegals & others on welfare] from social security & other programs that keep the money at home) and gave them our work (nafta) which w/o work for our country men they have increased the burden on welfare dependance, so if immigrants truly want to be here, then they can pay for it, and that would keep those with bad intentions out, and give them somethng to look forward to because as citizens they would be eligible for social security as well..... not saying that this is a cure all, but it is a possible solution to two of the problems that our country is facing.
hocbj23   +1y
I doubt very much someone driving a Hummer was paying for groceries with food stamps. If they were, only two scenarios, the Hummer was somebody elses or the food stamps were. You have to pass a means test to get the stamps, and if you are driving a Hummer you aint gonna pass-period.I have been working for pay since age 11 and I know what hard work is, but I still say we are a big country so bring em on and let them succeed. BJ
hocbj23   +1y
Bump. And oh by the way, having been in places where people were getting"shot in the A--" and other parts of their anatomy, I can tell you real fast that the first time a round whizzes by your head and you realize that other sob is trying to do you bodily harm, popping caps on people for any reason loses ALL of its charm. Think about that for awhile before you allow as how shooting folks is a solution for any problem BJ
drpdmazda   +1y

not so true bro, i used to date a pureto rican chick whos dad was on welfare, he and her mom both had a new lexus and htey lived in a pretty nice townhouse, nice tv's and stereos and all the luxuries. i asked how he did it and he told me it was simple, he claimed his wife, son and daughter in pennsylvania and got $600 a week welfare and food stamps, and used his brothers address in new york and did the same thing and got another $800 a week from new york, so add that up, thats $5600 a month on welfare by playing the system, i live near a rather large " ghetto " town and its not uncommon to see someone roll up in a new benz or beamer and use there " access " card ( welfare card ) to pay for shit,
drpdmazda   +1y
from another website:

1. If you migrate to this county, you must speak the native language.

2. You have to be a professional or an investor. No unskilled workers allowed.

3. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections, all government business will be conducted in our language.

4. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.

5. Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.

6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs.

7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.

8. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT options will be restricted. You are not allowed waterfront property. That is reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.

9. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign flag, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies, if you do you will be sent home.

10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down and sent straight to jail.

Harsh, you say?

The above laws happen to be the immigration laws of Mexico!
drpdmazda   +1y
and one more to make you think a little

1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County (L.A. County has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

4. Over 2/3's of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens, most likely from south of the border.

8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.

10. In L.A.County 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak Spanish (10.2 million people in L.A.County).

(All 10 from the Los Angeles Times)

Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops but 29% are on welfare.
hocbj23   +1y
The dude that was falsely claiming relatives should have been turned in and prosecuted for welfare fraud.The folks that are paying illegals "off the books" should be turned in and prosecuted for not following IRS rules.HUD "squatters" should be evicted.Good for the radio stations-they are making an honest buck from advertisers who cater to Spanish speaking folks.We are a nation of laws. Let the laws work.BJ
88mazdawg   +1y
I love bush. just had to say it. he is an awsome pres. but on the seems that all the northeners on here seem to be "for" immigration but the people down here who have to deal with them. we completly understand what its like to have a guy from mexico come in to buy a spark plug but cant tell u what its for or how to count money. then they have the balls to get mad at me cause i dont understand what they are saying. so the mexicas who are here illigaly and cant speak the english can kiss my ass.
roach25681   +1y
Once again, shoot anyone jumping the fence to get in, or out of America. Legal immagrants are ok in my book, as long as you speak English and arent a piece of trash. Illegal, doesnt matter. You broke the law, no get shipped back. And when you try to jump the fence again...POP......