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General Discussion \  your take on immigration

your take on immigration

General Discussion
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replies 54
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mullet   +1y

1. I would like to see where your getting this info from. Because Ive never personally been to LA.. however that seems a little far fetched. Cause most actors, waiters etc. in high scale areas don't make a salary or hourly wage. They work off tips and call $$.

10. thats only 9 million so what does the other 1.2 million speak?

And as for the comment stated above that one about the laws of migrating to Mexico, I think they are fair and please keep in mind how low the set minimum wage is compared to the other countries in this world. They understand no one wants to invest in their country because there is very little to invest in. Not to mention not being able to collect on government funding is a joke.. because there is hardley a program setup. I understand free travel is out of the question.. the europiens have that for the most part and look at the riots that took place this last summer. However I think people need to look past a fence and more towards a final solution. Fix the base of the problem by building a economically sound country (like canada for example) and everyone will chill the hell out. There has been some talk about the US taking over mexico, in a peaceful takeover. What do you guys think about that? I do appreciate the feedback were getting on the topic.. minus a couple ignorant comments... but keep it going.
hocbj23   +1y
The "final solution" for some of these clowns seems to be a mushroom cloud over Tiajuana and Nogales.I think the other 1.2M in LA speak Vietnamese,Thai,Korean, etc.I lived there for about a year and there are lots of other than English speaking folks. I found the diversity to be interesting rather than a big problem. By the way, I live in the South about 20 miles from a large Hispanic population. BJ
carolinasled   +1y
a buddy of mine spoke out on ssm about 2 weeks ago he just went off on em under braul room
blue crush   +1y
What’s up everyone since this is such a good topic I thought I would say a few things. First off I am Canadian so I am probably only hearing and seeing half of whats actually happening...second from what I no and what I have researched illegal immigration has been a problem in the USA for a long time. And it has only started to be an issue in say the last year. And this I believe is why.......
Since bush has been in office a few f**ked up thing have happened
1. World trade centers were destroyed...why and by who...Binlauden (I can’t I think not....bush is oil hungry, so I think he would do what ever is necessary to get what he wants..So after the world trade center disaster Bush sends all these troops over seas, and for what? To get Binlauden or to get closer to one of the biggest oil fields in the world ( you decide).......further more I think since 911 is something of the past (just a figure of speech) I think bush is pushing this hugh illegal immigration thing on everyone because he wants everyone’s attention on that. so he can plan something else while no one is paying attention........Obviously what he has planed I don't no.....but I no this… Bush has one of the worst popularity ratings of any president so why would he make things even worse by deporting all illegal immigrants........think about that before you start sending me hate mail…

Only time will tell if my theory is correct......I guess we’ll see….

Remember this is just my opinion…………

drpdmazda   +1y
mullett i never claimed them to be facts, i stated that i got them from another web site
blare   +1y
Blue Crush

1. I dont know how much Canadian pride yall have, but in the USA we dont forget shit like that. You dont step into our yard and fuck with our shit.

2. Immigration has always been an issue. This didnt start with Bush waking up and doing something about it one day. I know in GA and a couple of other states we have to started to pass laws that take away the free benefits such as health care that the illegals were taking advantage of.
88mazdawg   +1y
hehe this is fun to vent. also on the canadian standpoint. how can u even talk about bush. how can anyone. has anyone ever met him? does anyone relize that bush prolly only makes about 15% of the dicions in our country. its mostly congress. i think it is very funny that people blame bush for all there fucked up problems " damn i stubbed my tow...... bush must have put that table there...damn him". only thing that bush has done wrong in my book is been too much of a puss to do what he thinks is write. he is trying to make everyone happy at ones and i isnt working. another thing while i am at is this war. I believe the war is right in every aspect. he might have wanted oil..but why not if he didnt he would have herd more bitching about gas prices. we took care of a thorn in our ass (husain). i hope our next pres will do it to north korea. but i dout it. but about immigration. the people who say thats how everyone got here then yes u are right. BUT there was alot more room and most wend through ellis or angel island. we are all different in our own way witch is great. but it is now a first come first serve basis. if they want to come here then learn english and get ure green card and a real job. when they can legaly say "I am an AMERICAN" then that is fine. and while i am at it about the gas prices we need to tell the fucking tree huggers is alaska to shut the hell up and let us et the oil up there....i hate to say this but i am sooooo afraid that we will end up like Rome. but we shall see how it goes. o ya and dont send any hate mail, its my opinion and if u dont like it read the constitution.
team haymaker   +1y

what is this supposed to mean?
from what i understand and read, this was not a shot at the american people, it simply stated that what had happened has happened already, hense the term, its in the past, this doesnt mean its forgotten.we all know that it was a tremendously terrible incident that haunts people and has changed the lives of everyone,
and at no point did blue crush say anything about the pride of americans

one of the coolest things ive ever seen happened when i drove from ontario to virginia beach, and that was the amount of stars and stripes i saw on peoples homes, some areas every house had an american flag, and i think thats great

as for the immigration thing going on, its just nasty how many are illegal, and it definatly hurts the economy, so yes the US is doing the right thing with beefing up the border patrol, and i believe all illegal should be deported right on the spot, why should they have the chance to become legal if they arent there legally in the first place, when the people sneak over the border (however they do it) they lose all of their rights to any fair trial.

we have an extremely diverse country down here and it gets very hard when a large portion of the population doesnt speak english, i arrested a person alittle while ago who claimed she didnt speak english, but when she was leaving her english was great.

it should be a requirement of immigration to speak the language, its still great to have your own culture but if you go to live somewhere else you need to adapt to that area, and that area in the USA is english

p.s, shooting them all is NOT an idea, thats just wrong
mullet   +1y
Whoa now. Were taking this way off topic LOL. First off there have been many many many proven facts the Bin Laden didn't organize the plains to be flown into the WTC. No we haven't forgotten about it. Immigration is NOT a new thing. Republicans have been pushing for imigration laws for 6 years now. We didn't go to war to seek Sudan Insane... and the charges he's being tried for are from 6 years ago. Our government knows where Binladen is... however he hasn't necessaraly done anything wrong... so we just watch him, and use him as an excuse to be over there. Now saying that Bush only makes a small percentage of the decisions... yes. However he can lobby on subjects and submit a bill towards congress. Also Bush has not vitoed a bill since he's become president. Canadians aren't crossing illegally by the millions because they have a strong middle class and a good working economy.
team haymaker   +1y
i dont know how much of this statement is true but ill ask it anyways, so please dont get offended if it is not.

a guy i work with said that when he lived in L.A. it was possible for you to just drive around and pick up illegal immigrants willing to work for little money. with the way the immigration problem has been growing it seems plausable, but at the same time alittle exagerated. so im hoping someone that knows or is from there can give me a view on this. as in if its true or not