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What are you doing/did you do today?

General Discussion
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mymmeryloss   +1y

Where do u live?
befarrer   +1y
Edmonton, Alberta.
mymmeryloss   +1y
Oh right. Celsius shoulda given it away.
dan woodland   +1y
4:00 am - get up (25 degrees F)
5:00 am - leave
5:30 am - Head into woods with 20+ lbs of gear (19 degrees F - colder away from city)
6:00 am - Setup to wait for Bambi
7:30 am - Eat frozen breakfast and hot chocolate (water bottle half frozen already)
9:00 am - Hot chocolate and Start hiking to find Bambi
11:00 am - Find field/scrub/swamp with Bambi (maybe)
Cusser   +1y
I did replace the motor mounts, took me about 1.5 hours. At first I didn't realize that there was a directional to the mounts (upper stud is not in the center) or that the little rectangular steel boxes would also come out. So good thing I did one side at a time. Besides taking off the center wire from distributor cap, also make sure that the fan blade doesn't jam on the radiator shroud when jacking up the engine.

I had to bend the locator tabs on the mounts to get them to engage the square holes in the rectangular steel mounting box (holes in that point towards center of engine). I also should have hacksawed the two studs a little shorter, would've made the installation easier and still would have plenty of stud to thread on the nuts.

Anyway, the good news is that the noise and vibration are gone, because BOTH my original motor mounts were in two pieces.

Also, I re-checked the cylinder head bolt torque (hadn't done since 500 miles after the rebuild), all good.

So within last 7 days the motor mounts R&R and the AC clutch R&R have hopefully extended my B2200 life.
dan woodland   +1y
Check your transmission mount too
Cusser   +1y

That's a good idea. I did have the clutch re-done in 2004 so my guess is that had that mount been bad then, the mechanic would've told me and added that to the job.

I guess a better question is: where exactly is this mount located? I think I'm going to crawl under and pull and lube the speedometer cable later today (now that the engine noise has been fixed). So if you could supply a diagram or photo showing where this is, that would be great. Maybe it's obvious once I'm underneath, right now my answer is "I don't know".
dan woodland   +1y

It's on the cross member on the bottom of the tranny. it's a 30 minute job
Cusser   +1y

Thanks. I'll take a look at that mount this afternoon. Mechanic had that crossmember off 8 years ago, so must've been OK then.

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Post was last edited on Dec 08, 2013 10:12. This post has been edited 1 times.
dan woodland   +1y
Use a pry bar to pry against the cross member and trans case, there should be some play but it will be obvious if it's bad.