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Southeast \  DadandSonEyes 1989 MAZDA B2600i 4X4 Cab Plus continues HELP

DadandSonEyes 1989 MAZDA B2600i 4X4 Cab Plus continues HELP

Southeast Events
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dadandsoneyes   +1y
I did have the distributor mounted with the two mounting bolts in the center of each of their corrosponding grooves/slots, yes.
dadandsoneyes   +1y
ok..... It is 11:06pm, Thursday night. I tried everything you said..... I"m still not 100% certain I am doing it correctly.....but when the engine turns over now, it sounds better, less "straining" a bit. I pulled the distributor cap off, and I also turned the crank shaft to get it at TDC on the Compression stroke(little "V" WHITE mark on rear of crank pulley aligned with the "T" ON THE Oil Pump Cover. The T is in the center and there is a 6 on the right and a 6 on the left and several little lines between the "T" and the "6's".

Now when I turn engine over, it just goes runnininini runininin runinininin...but never seems to actually " FIRE "... stil have spark, pulled plug #1, not soaked but does have odor of Gasoline. On the B2600i does it not pour copious amounts of fuel into the champer ONLY when engine is running? ( CAN'T FLOOD IT ? ). I also tried spraying just a quick "spray" OF STARTING FLUID into the air intake on top of (into carb). Didn't seem to help at all.
Must be doing something wrong....argh. HELP.... UGH....
dadandsoneyes   +1y
Oh!!!! forgot to mention to Axel Breaker Earl,

I hand turned the crank/pulley/HB TO Where the tiny white "V" Mark aligned to the middle of the Timing " T " on the Oil Pan Cover. I removed the distributor CAP and looked at the Brass tipped roter button. It was pointing exactly in the 6 O'clock Position ( straight SOUTH Down ). I then continued to turn the CRANK ONE Full Revolution back to the TDC/"T" ON Oil Cover, aligning with HB/Crank/Pulley "V" Mark. I looked once again at the Brass Tipped Roter Button. This time the BRASS TIP was facing EXACTLY AT 12 O'clock position ( Straigh NORTH UP ).

Now, what does this mean? and what should I do next ?

DadandSonEyes -
Raleigh, NC
mazda-man   +1y

Did you ever just try bleeding the clutch. If that doesn't work then replace.
axel breaker earl   +1y

Yes, the timing mark on the HB is at the rear most edge of it and it is a "V" or cut on the outer lip of that pulley.
The "dimples" are just where the factory drilled it to remove material in order to balance the HB.
dadandsoneyes   +1y
Oh!!!! forgot to mention to Axel Breaker Earl,

I hand turned the crank/pulley/HB TO Where the tiny white "V" Mark aligned to the middle of the Timing " T " on the Oil Pan Cover. I removed the distributor CAP and looked at the Brass tipped roter button. It was pointing exactly in the 6 O'clock Position ( straight SOUTH Down ). I then continued to turn the CRANK ONE Full Revolution back to the TDC/"T" ON Oil Cover, aligning with HB/Crank/Pulley "V" Mark. I looked once again at the Brass Tipped Roter Button. This time the BRASS TIP was facing EXACTLY AT 12 O'clock position ( Straigh NORTH UP ).

Now, what does this mean? and what should I do next ?

DadandSonEyes -
Raleigh, NC
dadandsoneyes   +1y
axel breaker earl   +1y need to get the dist. lined up properly.

Go ahead and REMOVE THE DISTRIBUTOR COMPLETELY......also remove the dist. cap from the dist. as well.

If you have a compression tester that you can screw into the #1 spark plug hole, that would be great......if not, use a finger to plug the opening for the #1 might want to go ahead and remove all the plugs so the engine is easier to spin over by way of a socket and ratchet on the 21mm crankshaft bolt up front.

Spin the engine in a clockwise direction when viewed from the front. As your spinning the engine, you will get to a point where as your timing mark is approaching the "T" (for TDC) on the timing scale, the compression that is building in the #1 cylinder is going to try and push your finger out of the #1 spark plug hole..... (it will actually start "pushing your finger when it's around 90 degrees away from the "T")......or if you have a compression gauge in the #1 plug hole, it will cause the needle to rise.
As this happens, try and stop turning the engine when the timing mark on the HB is even with the "T" on the timing scale.......if you pass it up a little, you can reverse the ratchet and turn the engine counter-clockwise to back up to the "T" mark.

YOU ARE NOW AT TOP DEAD CENTER (TDC) on the COMPRESSION STROKE for the #1 cylinder.......and that is where you NEED TO BE, in order to install the dist. correctly!

Now, look at the dist. and line up the 2 marks on the mark (it's actually a "raised hump") is on the aluminum housing down next to the dist. gear, and the other on is ON the upper portion of the dist. gear (it looks like someone tried to drill a hole there!) in this picture!

thread post photo

Now, without turning the rotor (or dist. gear) hold the dist. by it's aluminum housing at the exact position it will be in when it is finally installed (electrical plug at around 10:30 clock position, and the 2 adjustment slots centered over the threaded holes that the hold-down bolts screw into.)

Insert the dist. into it's hole and the rotor will move as the gears are meshing and it should point to 9:00 o-clock when the dist. is fully seated against the head. If your not right, pull it out and try it again until you have the dist. housing slots centered over the hold-down bolt holes and the rotor is pointing to 9:00 o-clock........make sure you re-align the marks on the lower part of the dist. BEFORE you try and insert it every time!

Almost done!

Now, you need to install your dist. cap (it will only go on one way) and insert the #1 plug wire on the wire tower that is at 9:00 o-clock (looking at it from the driver's front fender).......#3 plug wire at 12:00 o-clock......#4 plug wire at 3:00 o-clock......#2 plug wire at 6:00 o-clock.

Plug in your coil wire (both ends!) and plug the dist. electrical connector back up, and then give it a whirl and see what happens!
axel breaker earl   +1y
Oh, I forgot to add I put it in this "REPLY" so to be sure you saw it!!!

When you insert the dist. exactly as I have mentioned above, and your rotor is NOT pointing to the 9:00 o-clock position......LEAVE THE DIST. AS IT IS and just remove the rotor only and re-install it so it is pointing to the 9:00 o-clock position........these rotors are mounted on a triangular post, which means they can be installed in 3 different positions at 120 degrees from each other.......ONLY ONE POSITION IS CORRECT! And that is the position where when the dist. is installed in the correct fashion (see post above!) then you should be able to install the rotor in the position that points it directly toward the 9:00 o-clock location.
dadandsoneyes   +1y

DadandSonEyes !!