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Southeast \  DadandSonEyes 1989 MAZDA B2600i 4X4 Cab Plus continues HELP

DadandSonEyes 1989 MAZDA B2600i 4X4 Cab Plus continues HELP

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dadandsoneyes   +1y
Yep. Runs like a new engine.
axel breaker earl   +1y
His distributor is the one year only 1989 version for the G6 engine....if I would have just looked back at the beginning of the thread I would have probably seen that.......he had it a little off so once he understood that and re-installed it accordingly, she fired right up. He said he still needs to fine tune it, but the major battle is over with!
dadandsoneyes   +1y
Now my biggest concern is, did I just invest all that time and money into a Lemon. Sounds like this 1989 year G6 is prone to problems(meaning not reliable and a money pit!). Overheating being a major issue. Ugh. ;-/. Don't want my son to have something that constantly breaks down. Do you guys know why this model is so unreliable? On our third test run(engine run only) found another leaking hose. Rear of block. Drivers side. Where the metal water tube forks off into on 3/4 inch pipe and a 3/8 inch tube. The rubber water hose connecting there is leaking at the clamp. I only replaced two front main water hoses to radiator. Others seemed fine. Gotta replace this little one now. Then more testing on engine running. Also think I have exhaust leak. Burning eyes near drivers side door only. Cant find. Have brand new exhaust manifold gaskets installed.
dadandsoneyes   +1y
CORRECTION. I DON'T MEAN TO SAY THAT MY 1989 MAZDA B2600i 4x4 is UNRELIABLE, Because we haven't had it on the road yet. Just what I've been reading from some sources online stating re-occurring overheating issues for this year. But others say they drive the heck out of it and it is like a TANK. RELIABLE AND SOLID, with little issues at all.

I INSTALLED a brand new thermostat and that should last a while shouldn't it? It has a LOW/HIGH TEMPERATURE GAUGE BUILT INTO THE DASH Gauge assembly...... I was told to install another temperature gauge with the numbers as a safe backup, etc.

Ideas/ thoughts?

thanks anyone
axel breaker earl   +1y
First of all, you DON'T own a lemon!!

The G6 engine is a very fine engine with plenty of power and a joy to own! Like ALL aluminum head and cast iron block configurations, they don't like to overheat.......the head is expanding & contracting at a different rate than the block, and the hotter you get it, the more chance you have of messing up a HG.
The ONLY thing that is different on the 1989 model compared to the 1990-1993 (the MPV had this engine the same years plus in 1994 also) is the distributor and the ECU, and consequently, the dist. wiring.........the rest of the engine is exactly the same!
When I put together ANY engine, I always make sure the cooling system is top notch, I replace all rubber coolant hoses so I know they are good......a hose can look good but when you fill it with hot coolant and some pressure, it can go bad if it is old.
dadandsoneyes   +1y
Great advice. We did NOT replace ALL hoses. I wish I could just find a place online with a single HOSE kit to replace ALL of those little water hoses. In one kit. Like I did with FelPro. Got every thing is a massive single KIT.

Anyone know where I can get that???

dadandsoneyes   +1y
Oh. And what about all those spring clamps!!! What a pain! I used the other kind that you use a nit driver or screw driver to put on. The OEM clamps ate spring clamps though!

axel breaker earl   +1y
I actually like the OEM hose clamps, most of my stuff has them on the hoses.......I'm an OEM type of guy though really.....I guess that comes from messing with classic cars.

Some of the small rubber coolant hoses are not that bad of a price from the dealer, and they are way better than some of the Autozone and aftermarket hoses.
Go by your local Mazda dealer and see what you can get from can look up the part numbers at.......

and another page at Jim Ellis Mazda....

dadandsoneyes   +1y
Thanks ! got all the "water" leaks ....fixed, so far. Have had a minor OIL LEAK coming from someplace ..... weird. Can't isolate it , (yet). Almost seems like it could be the FRONT MAIN CRANK SEAL ( BRAND SPANKING NEW , LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE THE OLD ONE THAT came out of there, Orange color ). I am just guessing because I can't isolate where the oil is coming from.
SYMPTOM: FRONT LEFT , TOP, AND MIDDLE AND BOTTOM OF THE MAIN OIL PUMP COVER (Entire front of Engine area pretty much) as a thin fresh coat of clean new oil. At first I thought maybe leaking from corner of brand spanking new head gasket(FEL PRO) , or.. from possibly the BRAND NEW Timing Chain Tensioner Cover.... but that doesn't seem to be it. Maybe the FRONT MAIN CRANK SEAL isn't holding. Maybe I installed it backwards. ugh. All I know is if the front CRANK SEAL LEAKS, IT WON'T SWELL AND TIGHTEN UP. IT WILL ALWAYS LEAK , FOREVER. Right ? I can't find anything actually "dripping" or "pouring from anyplace". I clean the motor, run and drive it around a couple miles, then check, and there is light layer of fresh OIL on the FRONT of Engine. H E L P - Thanks
dadandsoneyes   +1y
and yes, it is definately golden yellow new Engine Oil. It isn't power steering (red) fluid, or any other fluid.

Also, When we drive it , there is a WINING Sound, does the STANDARD 5 SPEED Transmission REQUIRE GEAR OIL or ANY TYPE OF FLUID that could be low, and where would you check that? Not familiar with this tranmission yet. 1989 MAZDA B2600i SE-5 4X4 - 5 Speed Manual Tranny., OR, Could it be the Differential or TRANSFER CASE? Takes Gear Oil I'm sure, doesn't it?
