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Mazda Projects \  Slam Specialty(UPDATE: 7-21-08)

Slam Specialty(UPDATE: 7-21-08)

Mazda Projects
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following 39
hex0rz   +1y
Being a Pirate 4x4 member and the company discounts the registered people on the forum, I got mine for $450 with the upgrade to the machine! It would cost a non-member about $550-600.

But my total was about $550 after all the shipping, extra consumables, etc.

ALOT better than paying $2-3K for a Miller or Lincoln! Even a hypertherm would be about $1500, and these won't even cut 1/2"!

So ya, I scored! They are running through these machines quick too. I'll probably eventually break down and get their AC/DC TIG/STICK machine.
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Definately a good price for that unit. Unfortunately for me I coughed up some cash for the HyperTherm unit. Definately a nice setup, was recently cutting 3/8 plate with the heat set to about 3/4. FAST clean cut just like butter.

Enjoy your new toy!!!! Definately worth havin in the garage!
hex0rz   +1y

Well, I got me a 220v extension cord made, and hooked up the plasma cutter and went at it! I could'nt stop! haha! I was playign with it for about an hour or so. And was getting okay at it. My compressor threw the breaker and I did'nt know and ran out of air. So I destroyed a tip.

So ya, DO NOT run out of air! LOL! I could'nt get any video, cause I got no one to hold the camera, but I'll try and do that when I start on the front. I've also gotta give it the ultimate cut and see if it really will cut an inch!

Well, I just have a small little interlude and showing where I sit at, at the moment.

I got the area cleaned all up, lol, and got the frame all cleaned and then got the metal ready sprayed on. I just need to get it all wiped down now and then coat it in por-15 after it dries...

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The 220v extension cord I made! 100ft. of 10/2 romex wire! Spool was free courtesy of the lowes guy, lol. Cost me about $130 to make. It was a good idea to do this instead of putting in outlets to the shed, haha. Cause my parents are'nt gonna pay me back for putting power in there, lol.
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DO NOT under estimate, the plasma! Haha, I caught the table on fire and this piece of wood took a good beating! I even showed my dad how to cut a BRICK! Next thing I wanna try is glass cutting, haha!
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Battery tray all gusseted. What a pain to weld in the gussets!
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Thats my name, dont wear it out!

Well at the end of the day, I should have a couple coats of por-15 on it...
twisted minis   +1y
shavednbagged96   +1y
Hey linn, didnt expect to see you ober here...This is Brian, from the ATL chapter of AI...small world man!!
sleepyspeed   +1y
man that sure looks like a fun toy
hex0rz   +1y
Its, badass! I need to find more things to use it on, lol.

shavedNbagged96, what are you talking about? You must have the wrong thread?


Well it took me a little over 2 hours to brush on the first coat, but I did it! I need some music playing or something cause listening to a fan roar and laying on a creeper wants to put me to sleep!

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This is probably the only picture that does it justice! It is a mirror-like gloss! Crazy!

Well, I'm off to put on 2 more coats!
toddluck   +1y
you aint done yet!!!
90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
shavedNbagged96 was talking to linn Immortal1 they are both in the same club.... different chapters....
hex0rz   +1y

Lol, toddley, was that a statement or an exlaimed question?

Well I got the rest of my por-15 on! I decided to call it for tonight, but tomorrow everything is gonna get put in for assembly! WOO!

Not too far from starting on the front! No sense in taking a picture for another coat, but, eh. What should I do about plumbing in a line for the tank gauge? Where do you guys put it? Matter of fact, I never got any fittings for plumbing my gauge! GRR!