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Mazda Engine General \  fosho Magnum mota

fosho Magnum mota

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
Hey now don't let these grouchy (nudges Mikey, Tweaker, and BJ) MEN chase you away. LOL Truly this is just an odd situation on here. It is something that you unfortunetly came in on in the middle of. I promise you all 3 guys are stand up guys and Awsome people to talk with and joke around with. Plus if you do need something...they will give you the shirt off of thier back to help. This just happens to be a a very touchy subject. I do hope you stick around and then show off your pretty motor. On a side note if you really wanna have I am going to get killed for suggesting this (LOL).... once you get it and test it and get all of your info on it tease these guys with it...say like hey I know what the TRUE compression is...wanna know? Then not tell them for a week. LOL Either way take it all with a grain of salt.
hocbj23   +1y
lets all join hands,get in a circle and sing "Kumbaya".Lol.Word,jmz,word.BJ
mazdatweaker   +1y
post deleted
Post was last edited on May 13, 2009 02:05. This post has been edited 1 times.
hocbj23   +1y
Yep.I plan to visit this thread bi annually as a memorial to that which might have been known--kind of like the person who visits Edgar Allen Poes grave every year and leaves a red rose and a bottle of brandy. Except in our case we would schlep the brandy and eat the rose.Lol.BJ
toddluck   +1y
give the poor girl a will do whats right
mazdamagnumgirl   +1y
Well I picked up the engine today at the local UPS hub. I learned that you have to pay duty fees in addition to shipping fees from Canada to the US. Well, anyway I got the engine and it was damaged from ups during shipping. The parts damaged are both timing covers top and bottom, front housing- where the thremostat is placed(cast aluminum),the threaded piece where the oil filter bolts I believe it is called a Joint, the threads are damaged and, the rear engine hook on the back of the engine is slightly bent. I am now going to have my fiancee look further into the engine for any internal damage. Any advise would help? I asked UPS if the insurance would be covering the damage and was told by two different employees that it would not be covered. They said that in order for it to be covered the package would have to have at least two inches of packaging material from the most outer part of the engine. I plan on calling UPS on monday to see what else I can do .The employees said that I could refuse the package. At this point my fiancee got the package invoice and called the seller direct. The seller said that he would take care of any damage during shipping. I hope that the seller holds true to his words. My fiancee said that he seemed to be nice during the conversation and willing to resolve this. I got the part numbers for all damaged parts and we went to the local dealership and got some prices totaling a little over $200. We plan to go to a few other Mazda dealerships to get some more prices on monday. Unless anyone has any other suggestions. My fiancee asked where he got all of these parts and the seller said that he purchased a container from Japan with old inventory from Mazda. The seller also said that the Engine is a true Magnum FE-30 with forged internals and has lower compression all for a turbo charger which we are considering doing.We will see. I will post pics when I have more time.
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
Damn gurl that sux!!!! I hate to hear of two items damged in shipping. Hopefully the seller will come through for you. Please keep us posted.
dirtracer14   +1y
I should be looking into a "magnum" motor this weekend. It has the cover and we found the guy that owned it and also said it was a magnum and he had it rebuilt....not bored thow so should be the original pistons. We will be checking it out sunday and ill post what he have.
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
settle with the seller on what was damaged, then post up what you need on here. im sure we could pull together and get you what you need to fix it.
mazdamagnumgirl   +1y
Here are some pics I took of the damages caused by UPS. Will get pics of internals as soon as we get all the needed parts, and are ready for the install.