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Mazda Engine General \  fosho Magnum mota

fosho Magnum mota

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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toddluck   +1y
you making them pay for the damage right?
toddzda   +1y
Wow. Seems like it moved around alot b4 you got it. With the thermasat housing cracking like that and the engine hook bent pretty goood, make me wonder if anything inside of the block got hurt. these heads are prone to get cracked . since it has not been heated up yet. could have it cracked while it was being shipped?
Another thing i noticed that the oil filter thread looks kinda long. Def longer than the one i have on my truck.
I would def make them pay for it. I would also take off the oil pan and look up there. might as well take a flash light in look inside of the valve seating area since u got the valve cover off and look around. I would do a full inspection of the whole engine b4 going any further. that imo. Keep us updated!
mazdatweaker   +1y
post deleted
Post was last edited on May 13, 2009 12:05. This post has been edited 1 times.
91extcab   +1y
once again tweaker has the answers to the odd questions... "longer oil filter pipe?" a gift your knowledge is
hocbj23   +1y
oil cooler is actually built to slide into the base of that filter pipe.It has an inlet and outlet hose and the filter screws on top of the whole
hocbj23   +1y
bump.Notice to the broken cover for the cam pulley.I believe it says 2.0 on there.Anybody ever seen a 2.0 cover plate that looks like that? Also I dont believe that a 1.6 or a 1.8 engine would have a 2 liter cover.I believe ladies and gents that said mangled little mota is the real deal.The Mighty Magnum is here at last.Lol.BJ
mazdamagnumgirl   +1y

Ups said that they will not cover it because the engine did not have at least 2" of packaging material from the outtermost point on the engine. I was told that by a supervisor. So now I'm just going to settle with the seller. I'll keep everyone informed.
sleepyspeed   +1y
such a tragedy that anyone could beat up a nice little motor like that cause they don't give a crap about anything. Maybe it was fling stuff off the forklift day at UPS.
toddluck   +1y
good luck with the seller from what ive heard he seems to be fair...just what i have heard i have never delt with him
nytrdr24   +1y
Ouch, that bites!! Sorry it was mucked up when you got it....

Tweaker & Bj are right, the oil filter tube is longer due to the adapter that slides over it for an oil cooler.....

I'll try to bust out some CSI bullshizzle here.....Where the thermostat housing is cracked is kinda suspicious, expecially since it is close to the front lifting eye, I'd dare to say some nimbwit hooked a lifting chain to it instead of the lifting eye....prolly out of convience they may not have had a bolt to hook the chain thru the eye with & thought I'll use this stud...DumbaXX! started lifting the engine to move it, the housing cracked, stud let go, then the chain came off, the front of the motor smacking the ground & busting the timing covers & bending the rear lifting eye, and there you have it Watson....

On a serious note tho...I can tell you this much, the valve springs on that head don't look like the ones that came off of my truck....the outer spring has less coils than what came on my truck, and possibly the rocker arm looks to be a cross between the manual & hydraulic type (notice the adjustment nut on top of the rocker arm, and yet it looks to have the hydraulic lifters on the bottom....?) any input on that BJ and or Tweaker or are my eyes deceiving me as I get older in age?

Oh, and to quell any curiosity stirred by Linn's comment of just ask Nyt how much his motor cost.....lets just say you have one hell of a bargain, not to mention it's the real deal!!