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Chevy/GMC Trucks \  Thank you officer, may I have another one...

Thank you officer, may I have another one...

Chevy/GMC Trucks Make Specific
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CHOSN1   +1y
Ok, last Sunday I posted up a new topic about DPS and light laws here in Texas. Well, on my way back from getting my fuel cell I gets another one. First I would like to say that I have had my led for over 5 months now and have had no problems with it. BUT, in the past week I have been pulled over 3 times It was another DPS officer. But this time he actually stated the correct law (that was after i corrected him). I do have a question though. This was at nighttime and I had both my windows down. He stopped me for my taillights but quickly moved over to my windows. He asked me if they were tinted and i told him no (but they are legally). But he didn't believe me so he told me to raise them up. After some hesitation I rolled them up halfway and then he went to go get some device that he measured it with. Anyway, I would like to know if I can file a harassment charge against this officer. And now that I have actually gotten a ticket for my led, what should I do? I feel like I am being again by the DPS
FrameLayN88   +1y
I would say that you can get him on harassment charges & maybe check in to him profiling you.

He had no reason to ask you about your windows in this matter. I say go after him, That is what I would do.

no1lowr   +1y
in cali the led would be a fix it ticket, with the option of taking it out and using stock, or paying like around 250 just to pay it off and keep it, that just started happening for fix its so, i dont know bout texas but in cali thats how it goes, im not sure about the harrassment thing. let it go i say.
spikepit   +1y
I have had lots of tickets and like the song say . (I foight the law and the law won.) next time it happens ask nicely to speak to his boss . most likely he will try to talk you out of it tell he/she i know my right let me speak to your boss. then they will stop messing with you because thay know u know your right. their not cops their all thows guy that got pick on in high school. an you wouder what happend to them.
CHOSN1   +1y
Originally posted by spikepit

I have had lots of tickets and like the song say . (I foight the law and the law won.) next time it happens ask nicely to speak to his boss . most likely he will try to talk you out of it tell he/she i know my right let me speak to your boss. then they will stop messing with you because thay know u know your right. their not cops their all thows guy that got pick on in high school. an you wouder what happend to them.

I will go talkto an officer tomorrow and see what my rights are. I should have asked the fucker if he checks everybodies window tint when they get pulled over. I did ask him later on why he asked me about the window tint and you know he gave me some bullshit excuse. But then i asked him if he thought that was harassment and he said no.. I believe different though.
drgndly   +1y
A few months back i put up a post almost exact to this one. LEgally they can fine you for the windows. I did a lot of research about itto see if it was legal for him to make me roll my windows up. Technically mine are legal here but i didnt sweat the fine cuz he told me three times if i peeled it off he would drop it. In court he said that he never said that so i got a ticket for the taillight and tint n when i left he handed me another ticket for the taillights saying the exact same thing. I dunno if yur laws are the same as PA but everything i found out said that they can can make you do whatever they want when they pull you over. Its fuckin bullshit
Forever Draggin   +1y
this is a very sticky topic. u can get him on profiling because of the windows. but i would just go to the da. takl to him nicely, show him ur lights. and kiss his ass. also the boss thing usuallly gets u off with a warning. sounds like they are all talkin at the station. if the same cop gets u again then u can get him on harassment only cause hes getting u before u even go to court or pay ur fine....good luck with it.
Edited: 9/18/2005 10:57:25 AM by BAGGED BELAIR

Edited: 9/18/2005 10:56:10 AM by BAGGED BELAIR

Honestly, I wouldn't bother. Not that I'm on his side, but he had a legal detention (traffic stop), and he would probably justify it as a somewhat "inspection". Not much different than lookin inder the car where the suspension is hidden. Is it chicken sh*t? Oh yeah!

It's all a game, we see it, you get a ticket. You remember to put them down when your driving around, you win that round. Personally, I need to see the window up, at least enought to tell it's tinted. Now,.. I saw the tint and they're down when I get up to the window, I will have them put it up an inch or two to see how dark they are. That's after I've seen the violation.

Get em signed.

I just read a couple of the other comments. A second stop and cite is not harrassment. Everytime that car with illegal equipment hits the road, it's in violation. A citation with a court date IS NOT a free tint pass till the court date. I give about 2 weeks to get it fixed. Wanted to save you the headache of playing that angle.
Severed701   +1y
Edited: 9/18/2005 10:53:59 AM by xtreme_tacoma

im pretty sure they can check your windows or whatever the hell they want....he asked if they were tinted and you lied and said no.....your in the wrong there knew they were illegally not tryin to stick up for the cops cuz ive got plenty of tickets for shit..but its our own we cant bitch too much when we get popped for stuff we know is illegal
brad88maz   +1y
I've heard of people getting tickets signed off for leds becuase they're visable from 500 ft, but I' don't know how well that actually works since it has never happened to me.

Also, I would rock trailer lights on a bar if you continue to get harassed since they are reflective. They're not the sexiest things in the world, but it sure beats getting a ton of tickets in my book.