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Chevy/GMC Trucks \  Thank you officer, may I have another one...

Thank you officer, may I have another one...

Chevy/GMC Trucks Make Specific
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Sigon   +1y
Edited: 9/18/2005 5:12:59 PM by Sigon

sorry double post.
gumby   +1y
I don't think anyone really has to spend much time looking for this discretion law... I am pretty sure that its the same in every state and is refered to as probable cause. The officer pulled you over for something that violates state code and now that he has you pulled over he can look for anything else. The joy of probable cause is you already gave him a reason when he pulled you over to look for any other illegal mods on your truck
Sigon   +1y
Originally posted by BAGGED BELAIR

I hear, "I've had this tint for 4 yrs and cops have seen me, and they've never said anything." O.K. Maybe they were going to a call, or didn't care. We dont have to stop every violation we see,....we could issue a verbal warning,....that's descretion.

Dude, the one I love is the guy who calls my work and goes:

Cust.- "How much to tint my front windows"Me- I can't tint them, it is illegal for me to tint them in the state of californiaCust.- My neighbor is a cop and he says it is OK to tint them lightly.ME- Unfortnately your neighbor didn't write the vehicle code and it is still illegal.CUST.- Can't I sign something saying I don't care if it is illegal or get a doctor's note.ME- Unfortnately in Kern County the D.A. Ed Jagels has decided any shop found tinting windows on street driven vehicles is in violation and punishable of a fine up to $5000 and shut down for 72 hrs.CUST.- BMWs have tint their front windows, why can't I.

Actually BAGGED BELAIR, the vehicle code states if I recall you can not affix anything to the windows to upstruct the view into the vehicle. If the tempered glass is smoked then it's not ON the glass. It's in the glass and some luxury vehicles do have smoked side glass in the windows. But not many, mostly high end MBZ and high end BMWs. Not your run of the mill 3 series BMW or IS300.
Low_SST   +1y
Originally posted by deathtorice

Here's an idea...check the law before you mod your vehicle. Don't do illegal shit to it. If you do a legal mod, keep a copy of the law in the vehicle, so you can bring it out and put the fucker in his place. Then report him for impersonating an officer, because a REAL officer would know the law, so he is just a phony driving a police car, wearing a uniform. That is illegal.

good luck finding legal mods..... i know my truck is illegal as hell, modified suspension alone is enough to get my shit impounded. Plus my tint is too dark and i haev random clear lights and i also drive my truck with my tires tucking so thats illegal as well.
bill brasky   +1y
Two Words. probable cause
In California, The only film legal on the front side windows is an 88% vlt film. As far as I know Lumar is the only company making it. Now Lumar's film is actually an 85%, but who the hell can tell .3 of a difference. The film is actually clear, but you know how it works, if your backw indows are 5 or double 5, the legal 85% is goin to look darker. That's why there is sub section in 26708 cvc-tinted windows that states you must have a certification paper from the manufacturer (Lumar) saying the tint is legal AND signed by the installer.

The medical excuse holds NO water. You can have a 35% REMOVABLE shade device on the front windows if you have a medical excuse. It goes on to say it needs to be readily removable ie..roller shade, or suction cups AND not to be used during hours of darkness.

I'm somewhat familiar with the safety glazing in the windows. Depending on the installer I can usually find the cut line, unless they file them. I'm talking about the upper end cars that are obviously 35% or darker. I usually don't bother with 50% or lighter.
CHOSN1   +1y
Originally posted by WillSpark4Free

my buddy had that line of fire bullshit and a HPD officer told him he needed to separate the light and not have one solid led bar. Back in the day when i had my leds (with clear lense)in my tailgate i was pulled over by a DPS officer and asked if i had brake lights i pressed the brake pedal and the red showed bright as hell. He then asked me about my tint and put the same tint guage on my windows. He said I needed to have red relectors on the back of my truck and red needs to be shown all times. He wrote me a warning ticket and told me to fix ASAP. I had my leds hooked up so when the day time running lights were on the leds were on too, and when i pressed the brake they got brighter. On yours Ken I think there out during the day, but you said this happened at night so really dont matter.LOL Hope it works out for you bro. Yea its a rule of thumb for officers to use there best judgement on things but you have to play it on THEIR MOOD and just chil.Laters bro..

Hopefully my new led will shut most of them up. I have a 60" (red lense) sitting here on my dining table that I am waiting to get put on. I asked both officers that pulled me over for the lights about my new led and they said that it would be much better and that they probably wouldn't have pulled me over. As far as daytime goes, I can turn my running lights on which will light up my led. It gives off red light which is a legal requirement and it is also viewable within the required distance.
Sigon   +1y
Originally posted by BAGGED BELAIR

In California, The only film legal on the front side windows is an 88% vlt film. As far as I know Lumar is the only company making it. Now Lumar's film is actually an 85%, but who the hell can tell .3 of a difference. The film is actually clear, but you know how it works, if your backw indows are 5 or double 5, the legal 85% is goin to look darker. That's why there is sub section in 26708 cvc-tinted windows that states you must have a certification paper from the manufacturer (Lumar) saying the tint is legal AND signed by the installer.

The medical excuse holds NO water. You can have a 35% REMOVABLE shade device on the front windows if you have a medical excuse. It goes on to say it needs to be readily removable ie..roller shade, or suction cups AND not to be used during hours of darkness.

I'm somewhat familiar with the safety glazing in the windows. Depending on the installer I can usually find the cut line, unless they file them. I'm talking about the upper end cars that are obviously 35% or darker. I usually don't bother with 50% or lighter.

Actually SolarGard has a UV film that is 100% Clear as well (i think it's like 1% but who's counting). I will have to look into that sub-section because to be honest I was unaware of it.
LaydCustoms   +1y
Man next time you get pulled over for some bull shit. Do this, After the cop gives you the ticket, tell him while he on his way back to his car "That will do PIG, that will Do".(From BABE)
devin, 26708(d)(1) is the 88% 26708(d)(4) is the certification in possession. 26708(b)(10) is the med letter as long the shading device complies with 26708.2(b)-(d)

sorry, I'm a walking vehicle code.