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Chevy/GMC Trucks \  Thank you officer, may I have another one...

Thank you officer, may I have another one...

Chevy/GMC Trucks Make Specific
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Sigon   +1y
Edited: 9/18/2005 3:15:49 PM by Sigon

547.322. TAILLAMPS REQUIRED. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer, or vehicle that is towed at the end of a combination of vehicles shall be equipped with at least two taillamps.

Now read this, if he was being a dickhead he really could have stuck it to you!

deathtorice   +1y
Here's an idea...check the law before you mod your vehicle. Don't do illegal shit to it. If you do a legal mod, keep a copy of the law in the vehicle, so you can bring it out and put the fucker in his place. Then report him for impersonating an officer, because a REAL officer would know the law, so he is just a phony driving a police car, wearing a uniform. That is illegal.
CHOSN1   +1y
Edited: 9/18/2005 4:01:26 PM by CHOSN1

Originally posted by BAGGED BELAIR

Edited: 9/18/2005 2:48:29 PM by BAGGED BELAIR

"" All you people who want to just let them you, thats ok, but I personally have better things to do rather than have some pussy ass cop check my shit out. Give me the ticket for my led and be on your way. Simple as that.""

Case in point................that's probably why you got the ticket. I'm as nice as can be.....give me attitude and you get it back in written form.

So you think the cop was nice to me from the start? I could tell from the get-go that this cop was looking for anything and everything to write me up for. And you think I am going to let him off easily. I didn't start giving an attitude until he asked about my window tint. I understand what some of yall are saying but do you think that cops check EVERYBODIES window tint? The only reason why he checked my tint is because I had a custom truck. If I was a 60 year old man driving a caddy you think he would ask to see my window tint?

And as far as the vehicle laws here in texas go, the only law that i was breaking was that I didn't have any turn signals (which he never found out). Under the taillight law, it states that the lamps should be "widely apart as practical". So pretty much that is really based on the opinion of the officer pulling me over. There is no requirement on how far apart the lights should be.

Oh and one other thing. If the officer doesn't know the law, why should he write me a ticket. That is like saying I will write you a ticket for this but I am not sure it is illegal. Matter fact, the info he put down was a defective taillamp. It's like the first cop wrote down no brake lights when its obvious I do. Defective taillamps?? My taillights work. Its just that they are not "widely apart as practical"...
Sigon   +1y
I have learned that officers have the ability to use this term called "discretion" and the officer used his discretion to check your windows. I agree that you were 40 yrs old and in a old Caddilac Seville and it was 3 in the afternoon and he had pulled you over for failing to signal he would have probably not checked your tint.

But he pulled you over for modifing your vehicle which gave him the idea you MIGHT have modified something else! I don't think he acted unreasonable when he asked to see your tint. Your lucky you didn't get cited for your modified suspension as well.

Anyway you slice it, your LED bar (which constitutes ONE taillight is against the vehicle code and you got stopped for it.

As I posted above, in the state of Texas you have to have TWO taillights bro.
post photo
CHOSN1   +1y
OK, that is why I wrote this post. I wanted to find out the laws about this "officer discretion". If you can show me anything about this I would greatly appreciate it. And also the law that states where if a person has a modified vehicle the officer has the right to inspect anything he wants without it being harassment. If you can find these laws, again, I would greatly appreciate it.
Sigon   +1y
I am trying to find you some federal of state listings of jurisdiction but these are the facts:

1.)"the law that states where if a person has a modified vehicle the officer has the right to inspect anything he wants without it being harassment" Find me a law that says law enforcement can't profile you because of the vehicle you drive. Look it up bro, I did and unless you can prove that he pulled you over because of age,sex,ethnicity, or disability then you might have a problem.

That is like the guy in the red corvette bitching because he was picked out on the freeway for speeding while thousands other speed everyday.
baggedwagon69   +1y
my friend is a dps officer and he told me one time that they only should us the tint law to pull u over and he really does not give out tickets for it
eks10BDRG-N   +1y
my buddy had that line of fire bullshit and a HPD officer told him he needed to separate the light and not have one solid led bar. Back in the day when i had my leds (with clear lense)in my tailgate i was pulled over by a DPS officer and asked if i had brake lights i pressed the brake pedal and the red showed bright as hell. He then asked me about my tint and put the same tint guage on my windows. He said I needed to have red relectors on the back of my truck and red needs to be shown all times. He wrote me a warning ticket and told me to fix ASAP. I had my leds hooked up so when the day time running lights were on the leds were on too, and when i pressed the brake they got brighter. On yours Ken I think there out during the day, but you said this happened at night so really dont matter.LOL Hope it works out for you bro. Yea its a rule of thumb for officers to use there best judgement on things but you have to play it on THEIR MOOD and just chil.Laters bro..
Edited: 9/18/2005 5:00:50 PM by BAGGED BELAIR

Most states have simliar statues. California Vehicle Code section 2806 says any regularly employed police officer or deputy sheriff can conduct a vehicle inspection if they believe the vehicle is unsafe or not equipped as described in the vehicle code(2) Descretion means I don't have to pull over every car for very violation I see. I a car doesn't have a front plate, I don't HAVE TO pull it over. I might go for the speeder instead. I love getting all those people in their Lexus/BMW/Merz cars, cause they think they're exempt from tint laws." I bought it this way" yeah right, the dealer sub'd it out to a shop before it was sold.

I hear, "I've had this tint for 4 yrs and cops have seen me, and they've never said anything." O.K. Maybe they were going to a call, or didn't care. We dont have to stop every violation we see,....we could issue a verbal warning,....that's descretion.
kboring   +1y
It sux bro, but is part of driving a custom ride...To get around the two tailight thing before you go to court shoot some white primer over the middle of your LED and BAM 2 taillights.