Originally posted by CHOSN1
First of all, my tint IS legal. The reason i said no is because i knew what he wanted and knowing that my shit WAS legal, I was going to save mine and his time from the bullshit. the reason I even mentioned my tint is because I felt harassed because that is NOT what the fucker pulled me over for. All you people who want to just let them you, thats ok, but I personally have better things to do rather than have some pussy ass cop check my shit out. Give me the ticket for my led and be on your way. Simple as that.
DEVIN, you mentioned: "I would say, from what you have said I don't think you have a harassment case. I think you should just drive a little slower, turn that stereo down just a little bit, drive just a little bit higher and try to blend in a little bit more. Good Luck bro." Isn't that stereotyping? You think that had something to do with the officer pulling me over also? Actually, I was driving UNDER the speed limit, had my radio at a decent loudness and wasn't even drinking this time.
As far as the law goes, after the ticket last Sunday, I went to the Texas DPS site and read about the vehicle equipment laws for taillights, brake lights, and turnsignals. I just don't know when the officer draws the line for harassment for my window tint inspection
Ken I feel for you bro, I have been in your situation with friends. I know exactly what you are going through. I am 22 yrs old and have dealt with BS harassment from cops. But unfortnately, even if you file a complaint it still will not change anything. Ken, dude ask anyone on here I am for defending peoples right but unfortnately, once the officer pulled you over for your taillights, you DID something (whether intentional or not) to make him want to check your windows.
To be honest, it's not the officers job to interpret the law, it's his job to enforce it. Arguing with a cop about getting a ticket gets you no where because that's what court is for.
Now, if you had magnetic trailer lights on the back of your truck and they stopped you for something while you were not breaking the law then you would have a case. Wait, then he is going to get you for altering the safety of the vehicle for having a rollpan. See where I am going with this. Good Luck with your fight! Let us know how it goes.