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Chevy/GMC Trucks \  Thank you officer, may I have another one...

Thank you officer, may I have another one...

Chevy/GMC Trucks Make Specific
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WestCoast Sdime   +1y
i would say tan as in CHP, definitley not us though. Chp are something else, everytime i see a chp cruising threw town i avoid him, when they drive threw town,there looking for tickets.
CHOSN1   +1y
Originally posted by WestCoast Sdime

Originally posted by A wrk in progss

You should just accept the ticket, lecture, or what ever else the police wanna do. And if you can prove that your innocent then just do it legally in court. It's pretty shitty though knowing we pay taxes witch pay thier salery, then they're dicks to us... what a world

if your wife and kids are driving on a highway next to a potentially dangerous vehicle, wouldnt you want us trying to weed out these vehicles,and make it safer? Exacley, look at it from the publics point of view,who think cutting holes in our trucks, using thin tires, altering our taillights, and riding on air suspensions are dangerous.

I am going to have to disagree with you here. How is any of this unsafe? 1)Cutting holes in our trucks? How is this this dangerous?2)Using thin tires? There are stock vehicles with a smaller tire than my 30 series. 3)Altered tailights? I can see your point maybe here but if i was a cop, I would only be concerned if the car in back of you couldn't clearly see it. 4)riding on air? I believe there are some stock vehicles using air suspension. If used properly, I see no dangers in having airbags.
Heck yeah, the Sheriff is an elected position, can't write too many tickets with that. Chippies love their dueces, and usually get em inside someone's city. If they're working Blackstone, I'm sure they get a few.
Sigon   +1y
Originally posted by WestCoast Sdime

... he had you detained,he is investigating,he can have you pop your hood if he wants,he has reasonable suspicion that you have broken the law...

Actually Todd from my experience that is completely incorrect. Now I am not stating this so everybody can cop an attitude towards a cop nor am I stating this because it will probably make your life worse off than it would be if you popped the hood but no you do not have to put your hood.

That would a search of the vehicle and he must ask you and if you decline there is nothing he can do but write you up for the citations he can visually see.

For a search of the vehicle he must have your permission because ANYTHING incriminating he finds in the vehicle is now fair game against you.

Like I said, I respect officers but I know what is allowed.

lilslay   +1y
seems like you guys have it pretty sucky, here where i stay cops dont mess with me for nuttin
the city cops around here dont say much
unless you do something stupid...
the local sheriffs are more likely to give you a thumbs up than a citation lol
but texas state troopers are the devil lol
not saying they are all bad....
if i do something stupid then im going to admit to it....plan and simple
but i got a exhibition of acceleration ticket for pulling out of a dirt parking lot by myself in the middle of nowhere lol dumbest thing ever
but i had to get an attorney to fight that one because racing tickets and etc. are worse for your record than a dwi

how does the tint law thing work
do i just pay a certain amount each time or does it continue to build up like $50-100-150-200-loss of liscence etc. ?????
Low_SST   +1y
Originally posted by CHOSN1

Originally posted by WestCoast Sdime

Originally posted by A wrk in progss

You should just accept the ticket, lecture, or what ever else the police wanna do. And if you can prove that your innocent then just do it legally in court. It's pretty shitty though knowing we pay taxes witch pay thier salery, then they're dicks to us... what a world

if your wife and kids are driving on a highway next to a potentially dangerous vehicle, wouldnt you want us trying to weed out these vehicles,and make it safer? Exacley, look at it from the publics point of view,who think cutting holes in our trucks, using thin tires, altering our taillights, and riding on air suspensions are dangerous.

I am going to have to disagree with you here. How is any of this unsafe? 1)Cutting holes in our trucks? How is this this dangerous?2)Using thin tires? There are stock vehicles with a smaller tire than my 30 series. 3)Altered tailights? I can see your point maybe here but if i was a cop, I would only be concerned if the car in back of you couldn't clearly see it. 4)riding on air? I believe there are some stock vehicles using air suspension. If used properly, I see no dangers in having airbags.

what hes trying to say is that even if you know your vehicle is safe and are aware that its built with the safety of other motorists in mind the public might know recognize that. Perfect example is like when i get asked if my front axle is broken or if my tires poped. Most people dont understand our shit and even if its clean as fuck they will think its dangerious including the police.
eks10BDRG-N   +1y
as it was stated in a earlier post about belair being a expert and take his word as the truth. Yea thats true but hes in Cali and not Texas. Dont believe Austin is the state capital of California. Texas has there own regulations as far as DOT approval. Yea they may FOLLOW the same guidelines because of the gonvernment standards but each state has a capital and vote on different laws and by-laws for the road. And having a "custom truck" thats unsafe is no different than having a driver with a lead foot racing everyone that pulls next to them being unsafe aswell
eks10BDRG-N   +1y
And ken draging on a cop is the last thing you want to do brother "im not picking on anyone"
WestCoast Sdime   +1y
Edited: 9/19/2005 2:16:38 PM by WestCoast Sdime

i spoke with a retired chp officer Sgt, he told me we can open your hood as long as we have reasonable suspicion that a Vehicle violation has occured there. But we can only check smog devices and intakes, vehicle code related offenses only.

Which means we cant start moving certain things in the engine trying to find drugs, or weapons, etc, because if we did the court would say, but thats not smog or intake why did u go there,that is when we get into search and seizure.